A toolchain to help with localization in aurelia projects.
A toolchain to help with localization in aurelia projects.
npm i -D @netatwork/aurelia-i18n-tools
The configuration is usually defined in an es module called i18n-config.mjs in the package root directory. All relative file paths are resolved relative to the config files directory.
// i18n-config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "@netatwork/aurelia-i18n-tools";
// "defineConfig" helps with auto completion, but is not required:
export default defineConfig({
// This object contains all the config options.
// All fields are optional with the defaults specified below unless specified otherwise.
// The root directory for template and resource files:
src: "./src",
// The filename of the translation data file:
translationData: "./i18n.json",
// The filename template for compiled locale data.
// The "[locale]" placeholder is replaced with the locale name.
output: "./dist/[locale]/translation.json",
// A prefix for translation ids.
// Default is an empty string.
prefix: "example.",
// An array of locales.
// The first one is the locale used in source files.
// Default is `[en]`
locales: ["en", "de"],
// An array of rules to control what is not localized:
// By default, nothing is ignored.
// Matching patterns can be strings, regular expressions or functions.
ignore: [
// Matches <not-localized-example> elements and it's children:
{ element: "not-localized-example" },
// Matches the complete text content "Hello World!":
// Text content with interpolation is ignored automatically.
{ textContent: "Hello World!" },
// Matches attributes with the value "example":
{ attributeValue: "example" },
// An object to specify what elements and attributes are localized:
// By default, nothing is localized.
localize: {
"example-element": {
// Element content is not localized (default):
content: "none",
// Localize the element content as inner html:
content: "html",
// Localize the element content as inner text.
content: "text",
// An array of localized attribute names:
attributes: ["value", "title"],
// "*" matches all elements:
"*": { ... },
// An object to specify how whitespace is handled when extracting localized fragments:
whitespace: {
"example-element": {
// An object to specify how whitespace is handled for specific attributes:
attributes: {
// Extract whitespace as is:
value: "preserve",
// Only trim leading and trailing whitespace:
value: "trim",
// Collapse leading, trailing and whitespace in between text to a single space:
value: "collapse",
// Trim and collapse:
value: "trim-collapse",
// "*" matches all attributes:
"*": "preserve",
// Specify how whitespace is handled for element content:
content: "preserve",
// "*" matches all elements:
"*": {},
// Specify how diagnostics are handled:
// By default, all diagnostics are treated as warnings.
// Values can be "ignore", "warn" or "error".
// See "src/diagnostics.ts" for a list of possible diagnostics.
diagnostics: {
"invalid-json-data": "error",
// "all" is a fallback for unconfigured diagnostics:
all: "warn",
// An object with locales and patterns to include external locale data:
externalLocales: {
en: ["./node_modules/@some-namespace/*/dist/en/translation.json"],
en: ["./node_modules/@some-namespace/*/dist/de/translation.json"],
Configuration options can be imported from other packages using imports:
export default defineConfig({
localize: {
// Import an es module:
...(await import("my-package/i18n-elements.mjs")).default,
// or a json file:
...(await import("./my-package/i18n-elements.json", { assert: { type: "json" } })),
Command Line Interface
naw-aurelia-i18n [...args]
# Usage examples:
# Specify a different config file:
naw-aurelia-i18n -c ./my-config.mjs
# Run the production workflow once:
# Run the development workflow and watch for changes:
naw-aurelia-i18n -d
# Run the development workflow once:
naw-aurelia-i18n -d --no-watch
--config <path>, -c <path>
Specify the configuration file to use.
- Default is
. - Supported extensions are
.js, .mjs, .cjs, json
. - If the config is a javascript file, it's default export is used as configuration options.
--dev, -d
Enable development mode.
- This actively updates the translation data file and translation IDs in any included sources.
- This also watches for changes by default.
--watch, --no-watch, -w
Enable or disable watching for changes.
- Watching is enabled by default in development mode and disabled otherwise.
- When not watching for changes, the process will exit with a non-zero exit code if any error diagnostics have been raised.
--verbose, -v
Show verbose information like the effective configuration options.
If specified, external locales are not included in the output.
Disable colored command line output.