Convert HTML to Mithriljs flavored Hyperscript
Convert Legacy HTML to Hyperscript
Automatically translate old HTML markup into the new Hyperscript markup embeddable directly inside your component Javascript code.
Use this for hand-converting legacy project source code (e.g. AngularJS templates): care is taken to preserve original whitespace and even comments. For dynamic serving and CI builds check out https://github.com/alexmingoia/jsx-transform instead.
npm install -g @nerevu/html2hs
html2hs file.html [file2.html ...]
cat file.html | html2hs
See Hyperscript library: https://github.com/dominictarr/hyperscript
Also useful for virtual DOM Hyperscript-like syntax: https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom
HTML goes in:
<table class="sample-html">
Hyperscript-like JS syntax comes out:
m("table.sample-html", [
m("tr", [
m("th", "Pandas"),
m("th", "Kittens"),
m("th", "Hedgehogs")
m("tr", [
m("td", "foo"),
m("td", "bar"),
m("td", "baz")
m("tr", [
m("td", "32"),
m("td", "45"),
m("td", "83")
m("tr", [
m("td", "onomatopoeia"),
m("td", "schadenfreude"),
m("td", "antidisestablishmentarianism")