Svelte Action to add codemirro to your apps π
Aims to provide Codemirror 6 as an easy to use codemirror action.
import { codemirror } from '@neocodemirror/svelte'
<div use:codemirror={{ value: 'Hello world' }} />
With Language:
import { codemirror } from '@neocodemirror/svelte'
import { javascript } from '@codemirror/lang-javascript'
<div use:codemirror={{ value: 'Hello world', lang: javascript() }} />
Getting editor related data
import { codemirror, withCodemirrorInstance } from '@neocodemirror/svelte'
import { javascript } from '@codemirror/lang-javascript'
// This acts a readonly store. $ notation works here
const cmInstance = withCodemirrorInstance()
$: console.log($cmInstance.view, $cmInstance.value, $cmInstance.extensions)
<div use:codemirror={{ value: 'Hello world', lang: javascript(), instanceStore: cmInstance }} />
Note: Passing the store recieved from withCodemirrorInstance
is required to get the editor related data. If you don't pass this store, you will not get any data.
Document mode
If you pass a documentId
in the options you'll automatically enter document mode. In this mode whenever the documentId
changes the state of the editor get's stored in a map and will later be restored when the documentId
changes again. This allows for the history to be documentId
contained (so for example if you change documentId and try to Ctrl+Z or Cmd+Z it will not work). Right before this swap and right after two events on:codemirror:documentChanging
and on:codemirror:documentChanged
will be fired. This allows you to store additional state that might not be serializable in the codemirror state.
import { codemirror } from '@neocodemirror/svelte'
import { javascript } from '@codemirror/lang-javascript'
const documents = [
title: '+page.svelte',
content: '<scri lang="ts">export let data</scri'++'pt> {data.name}'
title: '+page.js',
content: 'export function load(){ return {name: "neocodemirror"} }'
let selected_document = 0;
{#each documents as document, i}
<button on:click={()=> selected_document=i}>{document.title}</button>
value: documents[selected_document].content,
documentId: documents[selected_document].title