Bulma 0.9.4 but upgraded with more elements, components, and react friendly
Upgraded Bulma.io package with extended functionality.
- More modifiers!
- New elements
- New components
- React.js Compatibility
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 0.10 or higher is required.
You can follow the instructions on Bulma.io
for customizing and using our package.
Instead of importing 'bulma/bulma', you would import 'bulma-navarrotech'
@charset "utf-8";
// Import all extensions
@import "../node_modules/bulma-navarrotech/bulma.sass";
// Or just import specific extensions
@import "../node_modules/bulma-navarrotech/src/NavarroTech/Addons/_all.sass";
@import "../node_modules/bulma-navarrotech/src/NavarroTech/Components/subcontainer.sass";
More modifiers!
*** Image Addons ***
This is one of my personal favorites, I use this way too much.
You can now add class is-centered or is-right to center your image elements!
<figure class="image is-16by9 is-centered">
We also ran into a lot of issues in our code, where we needed to show a square or vertical image in a 16by9 container.
To help fix issues with images looking "squished" we added class "not-forced" which allows the image to preserve it's own ratio inside the image container.
<figure class="image is-16by9 not-forced">
<img source="a-square-image" alt="I don't want to be stretched!"/>
*** Box Addons ***
You can now add class is-centered or is-right or is-left to your boxes, and it will add width: fit-content
You can also color the boxes using is-primary or is-{custom-color}, and it will set the background to that color! (Note: You will need to alter the text color yourself)
<div class="box is-centered is-primary">
*** Remove number arrows from number inputs ***
Adding class no-arrows will remove arrows from number inputs!
<input type="number" class="input no-arrows"></input>
*** Improved level items ***
<div class="level has-gap">
<div class="box">
<h1>We are not touching anymore thanks to class 'has-gap!'</h1>
<div class="box">
<h1>We are not touching anymore thanks to class 'has-gap!'</h1>
<div class="level-right is-centered-mobile">
<h2>This text will be right on desktop but centered on mobile!</h2>
*** More typography helpers ***
<h1 class="title is-bold">
This text will have the font-weight of bold!
<h2 class="title is-black">
This text will have the font-weight of black!
<h3 class="title has-text-weight-black">
This text will also have the font-weight of black!
New Components
*** Toggle Switch ***
<label class="switch is-rounded is-primary">
<input type="checkbox">
<span class="slider"></span>
*** Subcontainers *** This is useful for things like login windows, and single panelled sections.
Supported sizes: ...is-tablet: $tablet ...is-desktop: $desktop ...is-widescreen: $widescreen ...is-large: $large (default: 1300px) ...is-medium: $medium (default: 1000px) ...is-small: $small (default: 900px) ...Column sizes (is-1, is-2, is-3, etc...)
<div class="container is-max-widescreen">
<div class="subcontainer is-medium">
<div class="box">
<h1 class="title has-text-centered">Hello World!</h1>
*** Multi Progress Bars *** Put multiple progressbars into one! You can color each segment individually. Use style="width: 33%" to determine width.
<div class="multi-progress is-normal">
<div class="progress-item is-primary" style="width: 50%">
<span class="icon">
<i class="fa-solid fa-jedi"></i>
<span>Put text, icons, any HTML here!</span>
<div class="progress-item is-link" style="width: 25%"></div>
<div class="progress-item is-warning" style="width: 5%"></div>
React.js Compatibility
*** Menus ***
The old way:
<aside className="menu">
<p className="menu-label">
<ul className="menu-list">
<li><a>Dashboard</a></li> // <-- Not React Compatible!
<li><a>Customers</a></li> // <-- <a> tags can cause issues with routers!
The new way:
<aside className="menu">
<p className="menu-label">
<ul className="menu-list">
<li><div className="menu-item">Dashboard</div></li>
<li><div className="menu-item">Customers</div></li>
*** Tabs ***
The old way:
<div className="tabs">
<li><a>Item A</a></li> // <-- Not React Compatible!
<li><a>Item B</a></li> // <-- <a> tags can cause issues with routers!
<li className="is-active"><a>Item C</a></li>
The new way:
<div className="tabs">
<li><div className="tab">Item A</div></li>
<li><div className="tab">Item B</div></li>
<li className="is-active"><a className="tab">Item C</a></li>
The original author of Bulma is Jeremy Thomas
The current lead maintainer is Alex Navarro