Easy access to iOS and Android contact directory. Pick a contact, update date, or add a new one!
A plugin that allows you to access Contacts directory on iOS and Android. You can pick a contact, update it, delete it, or add a new one.
- @nativescript/contacts
- Contents
- Installation
- Use @nativescript/contacts
- Get a contact
- Create a new contact
- Update a contact
- Delete a contact
- Check if a contact is unified/linked (iOS Specific)
- Get contacts by name
- Get all the contacts
- Get a contact by id
- Get a group or groups of contacts
- Create a new contacts group
- Delete a group of contacts
- Add a contact to a group
- Remove a contact from a group
- Get all the contacts of a group
- Contact class
- PhoneNumber/EmailAddress structure
- Url structure
- PostalAddress structure
- Known Labels (for Urls, Addresses and Phones)
- Group object structure
- GetFetchResult object structure
- iOS contact object
- Credits
- License
Run the following command to install the plugin:
npm install @nativescript/contacts
Permissions requirements
For the app to access the user's Contacts app, the user must grant it the permission to do. Before requesting for permissions, ensure that the following requirements are met.
iOS Permission Requirements
- To clarify why your app needs the permission to access the user's contacts, add the
key to theApp_Resources/iOS/Info.plist
file, and your clarification as its value.
<string>Kindly provide permission to access contacts on your device.</string>
- For iOS 13+, add the com.apple.developer.contacts.notes entitlement to the
file. If the file does not exist, you should create it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Android Permission Requirements
For API level 23+
, inform Android about which permissions your app needs from the user in order to access contacts by listing the following permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH" />
Use @nativescript/contacts
Once you've indicated the permissions your app needs from a user, you can request the permissions from the user by calling the request()
method from the @nativescript-community/perms
import { Contact } from '@nativescript/contacts';
import { request } from '@nativescript-community/perms';
const contact = new Contact();
// build a new contact...
"contacts": {},
"android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS": {},
"android.permission.READ_CONTACTS": {},
"android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS": {},
"android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH": {},
}).then(() => {
Get a contact
To get a selected contact, call the getContact()
method of the Contacts
import { Contact } from '@nativescript/contacts';
Contacts.getContact().then(function (args) {
/// Returns args:
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object
/// args.reponse: "selected" or "cancelled" depending on wheter the user selected a contact.
if (args.response === 'selected') {
const contact = args.data; //See data structure below
console.log(contact.name.given + ' ' + contact.name.family);
contact.phoneNumbers.forEach(function (phone) {
//lets say you want to get the addresses
contact.postalAddresses.forEach(function (address) {
Create a new contact
To create a new contact, first instantiate the Contact
class, set the various data of the contact and then to save the contact, call the save()
method on the instance.
import { Contact, KnownLabel } from '@nativescript/contacts';
import { ImageSource } from '@nativescript/core';
const newContact = new Contact();
newContact.name.given = 'John';
newContact.name.family = 'Doe';
label: KnownLabel.HOME,
value: '123457890',
}); // See below for known labels
newContact.phoneNumbers.push({ label: 'My Custom Label', value: '11235813' });
newContact.photo = ImageSource.fromFileOrResource('~/photo.png');
Update a contact
To update an existing contact, get it with the getContact()
method, edit it and then call the save()
method to update it.
import { Application, ImageSource } from '@nativescript/core';
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
Contacts.getContact().then(function (args) {
if (args.response === 'selected') {
const contact = args.data;
contact.name.given = 'Jane';
contact.name.family = 'Doe';
ImageSource.fromUrl('http://www.google.com/images/errors/logo_sm_2.png').then(function (src) {
contact.photo = src;
Delete a contact
To delete a contact, get it with the getContact()
method and then call the delete()
method on it.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
Contacts.getContact().then(function (args) {
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object
/// args.reponse: "selected" or "cancelled" depending on wheter the user selected a contact.
if (args.response === 'selected') {
const contact = args.data; //See data structure below
Check if a contact is unified/linked (iOS Specific)
To check if a contact is unified, call the isUnified()
on the contact.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
Contacts.getContact().then(function (args) {
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object
/// args.reponse: "selected" or "cancelled" depending on whether the user selected a contact.
if (args.response === 'selected') {
const contact = args.data; //See data structure below
console.log(contact.isUnified() ? 'Contact IS unified' : 'Contact is NOT unified');
Get contacts by name
To find all the contacts matching a certain name, use the getContactsByName()
method. Returns an array of contact data.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
contactFields contains the fields to retrieve from native backend to reduce processing time
const contactFields = ['name','organization','nickname','notes','photo','urls','phoneNumbers','emailAddresses','postalAddresses']
const contactFields = ['name', 'phoneNumbers'];
Contacts.getContactsByName('Hicks', contactFields).then(
function (args) {
console.log('getContactsByName Complete');
/// Returns args:
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no contacts were found.
/// args.reponse: "fetch"
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Get all the contacts
To read all the contacts, use the getAllContacts()
method. It returns a a promise with an array of Contact
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
Optional: contactFields contains the fields to retrieve from native backend to reduce processing time
const contactFields = ['name','organization','nickname','notes','photo','urls','phoneNumbers','emailAddresses','postalAddresses']
If not supplied, all available contactFields will be returned.
const contactFields = ['name', 'phoneNumbers'];
function (args) {
console.log('getAllContacts Complete');
/// Returns args:
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no contacts were found.
/// args.reponse: "fetch"
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Get a contact by id
To find a contact with ta specific identifier, use the getContactById()
method. The method returns an iOS-specific
GetFetchResult object.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
const contactId = '[Contact Identifier]'; // Assumes this is a valid contact identifier (Contact.id)
function (args) {
console.log('getContactById Complete');
/// Returns args:
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no contacts were found.
/// args.reponse: "fetch"
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Get a group or groups of contacts
To get a group or groups of contacts, use the getGroups()
method. To get a group of contacts with a specific name, call the method passing it the name of the group.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
.getGroups('Test Group') //[name] optional. If defined will look for group with the specified name, otherwise will return all groups.
function (args) {
console.log('getGroups Complete');
/// Returns args:
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no groups were found.
/// args.reponse: "fetch"
if (args.data === null) {
console.log('No Groups Found!');
} else {
console.log('Group(s) Found!');
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Create a new contacts group
To create a new contacts group, create an instance of the Group
class, set group's name and call the save()
method on the instance to save it.
import { Group } from '@nativescript/contacts/models';
const groupModel = new Group();
groupModel.name = 'Test Group';
//Save Argument (boolean)
//iOS: [false=> Use Local Container, true=> Use Default Container]
//Android: will always be true, setting this value will not affect android.
Delete a group of contacts
To delete a contacts group, call the getGroups()
method to first get the group of interest. Then call the delete()
method on that group to delete it.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
Contacts.getGroups('Test Group').then(
function (args) {
console.log('getGroups Complete');
/// Returns args:
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no groups were found.
/// args.reponse: "fetch"
if (args.data !== null) {
console.log('Group(s) Found!');
args.data[0].delete(); //Delete the first found group
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Add a contact to a group
To add a contact to a group, get the references to the contact and the group of interest. Next, call the addMember()
method on the group passing it the contact reference to add.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
Contacts.getContact().then(function (args) {
/// args.reponse: "selected" or "cancelled" depending on whether the user selected a contact.
if (args.response === 'selected') {
const contact = args.data; //See data structure below
Contacts.getGroups('Test Group').then(
function (a) {
if (a.data !== null) {
const group = a.data[0];
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Remove a contact from a group
Call the removeMember()
on Group
class instance passing it the contact to remove.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
.getGroups('Test Group')
function (args) {
if (args.data !== null) {
const group = args.data[0];
function (a) {
/// args.reponse: "fetch"
console.log('getContactsInGroup complete');
if (a.data !== null) {
a.data.forEach(function (c, idx) {
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Get all the contacts of a group
To get all of a group's contacts, use the Contacts.getContactsInGroup()
method passing it the group instance.
import { Contacts } from '@nativescript/contacts';
.getGroups('Test Group') //[name] optional. If defined will look for group with the specified name, otherwise will return all groups.
function (args) {
if (args.data !== null) {
const group = args.data[0];
function (a) {
console.log('getContactsInGroup complete');
/// Returns args:
/// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no groups were found.
/// args.reponse: "fetch"
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
Contact class
The Contact class has following structure
id : "",
name : {
given: "",
middle: "",
family: "",
prefix: "",
suffix: "",
displayname: "",
phonetic : {
given: "",
middle: "",
family: ""
nickname : "",
organization : {
name: "",
jobTitle: "",
department: "",
// Android Specific properties
symbol: "",
phonetic: "",
location: "",
type: ""
notes : "",
photo: null, // {N} ImageSource instance
phoneNumbers : [],
emailAddresses : [],
postalAddresses : [],
urls : []
PhoneNumber/EmailAddress structure
id: "",
label: "",
value: ""
Url structure
label: "",
value: ""
PostalAddress structure
id: "",
label: "",
location: {
street: "",
city: "",
state: "",
postalCode: "",
country: "",
countryCode: ""
Known Labels (for Urls, Addresses and Phones)
The plugin exposes the following labels via the KnownLabel
object to be used for the contact data.
- HOME iOS - phone, email, postal, url Android - phone, email, postal, url
- WORK iOS - phone, email, postal, url Android - phone, email, postal, url
- OTHER iOS - phone, email, postal, url Android - phone, email, postal, url
- FAX_HOME iOS - phone Android - phone
- FAX_WORK iOS - phone Android - phone
- PAGER iOS - phone Android - phone
- MAIN iOS - phone Android - phone
- HOMEPAGE iOS - url Android - url
- CALLBACK Android - phone
- CAR Android - phone
- COMPANY_MAIN Android - phone
- ISDN Android - phone
- OTHER_FAX Android - phone
- RADIO Android - phone
- TELEX Android - phone
- TTY_TDD Android - phone
- WORK_MOBILE Android - phone
- WORK_PAGER Android - phone
- ASSISTANT Android - phone
- MMS Android - phone
- FTP Android - url
- PROFILE Android - url
- BLOG Android - url
Those are the system labels but you can also use any custom label you want.
Group object structure
id: string,
name: string,
addMember: (constact: Contact) => void
removeMember: (constact: Contact) => void
GetFetchResult object structure
The object returned by the getContactById()
method of the Contacts
data: Contact[];
response: string;
iOS contact object
See Apple docs on properties available: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Contacts/Reference/CNContact_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/cl/CNContact
NOTE: The plugin uses the Contact framework and it is supported only on iOS 9.0 and above!
All credits to the original author Ryan Lebel for creating nativescript-contacts.
Apache License Version 2.0