Library for accessing data of natadeCOCO mobile app from natadeCOCO content app.
Pocket SDK
Library for accessing data of natadeCOCO mobile app (Pocket) from natadeCOCO content app (App).
npm install @natade-coco/pocket-sdk
Version Compatibility
| Pocket SDK | Pocket | | :-- | :-- | | 0.15.0+ | 1.19.4+ |
import Pocket from '@natade-coco/pocket-sdk';
Pocket.getProfile(['name', 'email'])
.then(profile => {
if (profile) {
const { name, email } = profile;
console.log(name); // ex.) 名無しユーザー
console.log(email); // ex.) [email protected]
.catch(error => {
console.error(error); // ex.) userCanceled
| error | description |
| :-- | :-- |
| badRequest
| The API argument is incorrect. |
| unavailable
| The API is in unavailable state. |
| permissionDenied
| User has denied access. |
| userCanceled
| The operation was interrupted because user canceled it. |
| incompatible
| Client app is not running on Pocket (react-native-webview). |
| internalError
| Error has occurred inside SDK. Usually does not occur. |
getProfile(params: string[]): Promise<Profile | undefined>
Get user's profile.
| param | type | description | example |
| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
| params
| string[] | Specify parameter names you want to get in user's profile. | ['name', 'email'] |
Only include those contained in params
| param | type | example |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| name?
| string | '名無しユーザー' |
| fullName?
| string | undefined | 'ナタデココ 太郎' |
| email?
| string | undefined | '[email protected]' |
| tel?
| string | undefined | '012-345-6789' |
| image?
| string | undefined | 'https://natade-coco.com/example.jpg' |
getEthereumAddress(): Promise<string>
Gets user's Ethereum address like 0x1a2b....
The address is derived from the user's HD wallet (BIP44) with path m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
requestSignJWT(serviceType?: string): Promise<string>
Get JWT signed by Pocket user for the service. The JWT exp is set to 24 hours.
| param | type | description |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| serviceType
| 'AppHubService' | 'PaymentHubService' | Service type as audience of JWT (default: 'AppHubService') |
makeConnection(target: string, path: string, allows: string[]): Promise<string>
Generate a new DID document associated with the app, and return its URL.
| param | type | description | example |
| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
| target
| string | DID of the app | 'did:ethr:0x1234...' |
| path
| string | Path of the app | '/orders/1' |
| allows
| string[] | DID of users allowed to use target
app | ['did:ethr:0x5678....'] |
openInBrowser(url: string): Promise<void>
Open the URL in an external web browser.
| param | type | description | example |
| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
| url
| string | URL to open in browser | 'https://natade-coco.com/' |
share(content: ShareContent): Promise<void>
Share a text or file.
| param | type | description | example |
| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
| text?
| string | Text to share | 'Lorem Ipsum' |
| file?
| File | File object to share | 'https://natade-coco.com/example.png' |
| param | type | description | example |
| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
| url
| string | File URL | 'https://natade-coco.com/example.png' '' |
| name?
| string | File name | 'example.png' |
| type?
| string | File MIME Type | 'image/png' |
lockOrientation(orientation: string | null): Promise<void>
Locks the orientation of the device while the content is displayed.
| param | type | description |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| orientation
| 'portrait' | 'landscape' | 'landscapeLeft' | 'landscapeRight' | null | Orientation to lock (null: unlock any orientation) |