NARA Way Dock
The Dock service is an integral module of the SaaS service Multi-Application, a service that helps manage movement and context between applications. on NARA Way.
The Dock service provides the following features:
The Dock service provides user authentication and supports login and secure session management. Users can sign in with their account to move between applications and view menus based on their permissions.User context management:
The Dock service manages each user's work context. Each user works within their own unique context and is granted application usage and permissions according to that context.Shared service integration:
Dock services support integration between shared services. You can easily establish connections with other services used in your application. This allows you to extend the functionality of your application and integrate them with simple code.
Dock services are useful for both developers and users. Developers can develop and integrate applications more easily, and users can use applications more efficiently.
npm install @nara-way/dock-core
npm install @nara-way/dock-ui
Auth and Dock
To use the Auth and Dock features, the top-level App component of the application used, or the preview component of Storybook, must go through the following initialization process.
const SomeComponent = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => {
const dock = useDock();
const auth = useAuth();
// axios header interceptor
// if dev mode, set dev context
if (dev.development) {
return (
For development purposes, you can handle `_dev.init(...)' through the following configuration file to run it in a local environment without accessing the server and checkpoint service and metro service.
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const auth = {
development: dev,
user: {
username: 'nara',
displayName: 'NARA',
pavilionId: '1:1:1',
email: '[email protected]',
additionalInformation: {},
token: {
'eyJXXX.eyJXXX.hUyXXX', // jwt access token
'eyJXXX.eyJXXX.PiLXXX', // jwt refresh token
refreshed: false,
const dock = {
development: dev,
session: {
pavilion: { id: '1:1:1', name: 'NARA Way' },
citizen: { id: '1@1:1:1', name: 'NARA' },
cinerooms: [
cineroom: { id: '1:1:1:1', name: 'Management' },
audience: { id: '1@1:1:1:1', name: 'NARA' },
active: true,
stages: [
stage: { id: '1:1:1:1-1', name: 'Lab' },
actor: { id: '1@1:1:1:1-1', name: 'NARA' },
active: true,
kollections: [
kollection: { code: 'product', name: 'Product' },
path: 'product',
active: true,
kollecties: [
path: 'notice',
name: 'Notice',
requiredRoles: ['user'],
kollectionRoles: [
code: 'user',
name: 'User',
defaultRole: true,
dramaRoles: [
dramaId: 'product',
code: 'user',
name: 'User',
defaultRole: true,
defaultStage: { id: '1:1:1:1-1', name: 'Workspace' },
defaultFirstForStage: true,
export default {
development: dev,
Getting more help
Visit the Nara Way page to get more information about the library:
You can ask any question about Nara Way using the NARA Way Page.