Nandu Open NPM Registry CLI
Nandu CLI
Nandu Open NPM Registry CLI
Quick Start
In order to quickly get a working Nandu NPM registry you can follow this steps and recommendations.
Nandu uses env variables for configuring all its settings, inclusive the ROOT user credentials. The root user is the one that can bootstrap the service, by creating new users and so on. Also the root user has godlike permissions, therefore it is important to only use it for bootstrapping, and the first thing to do is to create a new user and give it "admin" permissions.
When you start Nandu for the first time it will create such root user that you can then use to interact with the registry.
$ nandu start
Nandu is running on port 4567.
You will get a lot of debug logs unless you set NODE_ENV
to production
By default Nandu will use Sqlite for storing the registry metadata, and the database file will be
stored at ./storage/db/nandu.db
. You can change this setting with the NANDU_SEQUELIZE_URI
The next step is to create an authentication token for the root user, you need to use the nandu cli for this as well,
$ nandu token:create root
username: root
password: ******
New token created for user root {
id: 'ad4ac909-2cea-40ba-be4e-03ec4fbb57bf',
token: 'c0463461-23fb-4642-a927-820b0d71ffb8',
readonly: false,
created: '2021-11-11T08:09:47.532Z'
You can create tokens on behalf of other users if the user you use for creating the tokens has the correct permissions.
Nandu support many of the advanced features of the NPM registry, such as teams, scopes, and more. So you will most likely interact with your Nandu server using the standard (NPM CLI)[https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8]
Lets take for example the case we want to create a team, add a user to said team and then give read access to a given package that is part of that team.
Start by adding a team:
$ npm team add myorg:myteam
We have now created a team inside the org/scope "myorg". You can see the list of teams by running:
$ npm team ls
Now we want to add a package to said team:
$ npm access grant read-only @myorg:myteam @myorg/mypackage
$ npm install -g @nanduland/cli
$ nandu COMMAND
running command...
$ nandu (-v|--version|version)
@nanduland/cli/1.0.4 linux-x64 node-v14.20.0
$ nandu --help [COMMAND]
$ nandu COMMAND
nandu help [COMMAND]
nandu start
nandu token
nandu token:create USER
nandu token:ls USER
nandu user
nandu user:add USER
nandu help [COMMAND]
display help for nandu
$ nandu help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
nandu start
Starts Nandu Open NPM Server
$ nandu start
-f, --force
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --port=port [default: 4567] listen to port
$ nandu start -p 4567
See code: src/commands/start.ts
nandu token
Manage NPM Registry tokens
$ nandu token
$ nandu token:create myuser
See code: src/commands/token/index.ts
nandu token:create USER
create a new token for given user
$ nandu token:create USER
-h, --help show CLI help
--cidr-whitelist=cidr-whitelist comma separated list of whitelisted cidrs
--readonly generate a readonly token
--registry=registry (required) URI pointing to your Nandu NPM Registry
--token=token Token to be used for authentication, uses NPM_TOKEN env variable if unspecified
$ nandu start -p 4567
See code: src/commands/token/create.ts
nandu token:ls USER
list tokens for given user
$ nandu token:ls USER
-h, --help show CLI help
--registry=registry (required) URI pointing to your Nandu NPM Registry
--token=token Token to be used for authentication, uses NPM_TOKEN env variable if unspecified
$ nandu start -p 4567
See code: src/commands/token/ls.ts
nandu user
Manage NPM Registry users
$ nandu user
$ nandu user:add myuser
See code: src/commands/user/index.ts
nandu user:add USER
add or update a new token for given user
$ nandu user:add USER
-h, --help show CLI help
--registry=registry (required) URI pointing to your Nandu NPM Registry
--token=token Token to be used for authentication, uses NPM_TOKEN env variable if unspecified
$ nandu user:add myuser
See code: src/commands/user/add.ts