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sencrypt (SEncrypt - Stateful-salt Encryption)
SEncrypt is a collection of helpers to implement an encrypted secret system.
SEncrypt requires a storage interface to be passed in, which is used by SHash
to store the stateful salt.
SEncrypt takes a plaintext
, encrypts it with a secret hash generated by SHash (which requires a salt
, partition
, and id
), and stores the ciphertext
SEncrypt extends upon and uses SHash under-the-hood to manage the secret hash key.
Please take a look at SHash.
SEncrypt supports any encryption algorithm, it is recommended to use AES-GCM for the balance of security and performance,
Note: Encryption algorithm is not included in this package, you can use any encryption algorithm you want.
- [x] TypeScript ready!
Install package:
# npm
npm install @namesmt/sencrypt
# yarn
yarn add @namesmt/sencrypt
# pnpm (recommended)
pnpm install @namesmt/sencrypt
Import and use:
// ESM
import { SEncrypt, SEncryptEncrypterInterface, SEncryptStorageInterface } from '@namesmt/sencrypt'
import { decrypt as aesGcmDecrypt, encrypt as aesGcmEncrypt } from '@namesmt/aes-gcm'
* This is a simple in-memory storage implementation.
* This is not recommended for production use, but it is useful for testing.
export class MemoryStorage implements SEncryptStorageInterface {
saltStore: Record<string, string> = {}
cipherStore: Record<string, string> = {}
async getSalt(partition: string, id: string) { return this.saltStore[`${partition}#${id}`] }
async setSalt(partition: string, id: string, value: string) { this.saltStore[`${partition}#${id}`] = value }
async getCiphertext(partition: string, id: string) { return this.cipherStore[`${partition}#${id}`] }
async setCiphertext(partition: string, id: string, value: string) { this.cipherStore[`${partition}#${id}`] = value }
export class AesGcmEncrypter implements SEncryptEncrypterInterface {
encrypt = aesGcmEncrypt
decrypt = aesGcmDecrypt
// A simple hash function for demo purposes
function demoHash(str: string) {
return `${str}-demohashed`
const {
encrypt, // Encrypts plaintext into ciphertext, secured with a hash key created from the given salt, partition and id.
encryptStore, // ^^^ but also stores the ciphertext into the storage.
decrypt, // Decrypts a ciphertext that was secured with a hash key created from the given salt, partition and id, back into plaintext.
decryptStored, // ^^^ but the ciphertext is retrieved from the storage.
decryptStoredFlash, // ^^^ and the ciphertext is deleted from the storage after decryption.
} = new SEncrypt(new MemoryStorage(), demoHash, new AesGcmEncrypter()) // You could pass in any hashing and encryption algorithm.
const encrypted = await encrypt('salt', 'partition', 'id', 'plaintext') // encrypted string of 'plaintext'
const decrypted = await decrypt('salt', 'partition', 'id', encrypted) // returns 'plaintext'
const storedEncrypted = await encryptStore('salt', 'partition', 'id', 'plaintext') // encrypted string of 'plaintext'
const storedDecrypted = await decryptStored('salt', 'partition', 'id') // returns 'plaintext'
const storedDecryptedFlash = await decryptStoredFlash('salt', 'partition', 'id') // returns 'plaintext'
const storedDecrypted_error = await decryptStored('salt', 'partition', 'id') // Should throw an error because the ciphertext is not found.
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