complet & simple typescript rewrite of normalizr with Class support
Normalizr-ts is a complet & simple typescript rewrite of normalizr (normalization only for now). The library support the Typescript Class normalization. All tests normalization test specs from normalizr was ported.
Install from the NPM repository using yarn or npm:
yarn add @nakama.d/normalizr-ts
npm install @nakama.d/normalizr-ts
Quick Start
Consider a typical blog post. The API response for a single post might look something like this:
"id": "123",
"author": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Paul"
"title": "My awesome blog post",
"comments": [
"id": "324",
"commenter": {
"id": "2",
"name": "Nicole"
We have two nested entity types within our article
: users
and comments
. Using various schema
, we can normalize all three entity types down:
import { EntitySchema, Normalizer } from '@nakama.d/normalizr-ts'
// Define a users schema
const user = new EntitySchema('users')
// Define your comments schema
const comment = new EntitySchema('comments', {
relations: { commenter: user }
// Define your article
const article = new EntitySchema('articles', {
relations: {
author: user,
comments: [comment]
const normalizer = new Normalizer([user, comment, article])
const normalizedData = normalizer.normalize(inputs, 'articles')
Now, normalizedData
will be:
result: "123",
entities: {
"articles": {
"123": {
id: "123",
author: "1",
title: "My awesome blog post",
comments: [ "324" ]
"users": {
"1": { "id": "1", "name": "Paul" },
"2": { "id": "2", "name": "Nicole" }
"comments": {
"324": { id: "324", "commenter": "2" }
With Class
import { EntitySchema, Normalizer } from '@nakama.d/normalizr-ts'
class User {...}
class Comment {...}
class Article {...}
// Define a users schema
const user = new EntitySchema('users', { entityClass: User })
// Define your comments schema
const comment = new EntitySchema('comments', {
entityClass: Comment,
relations: { commenter: user }
// Define your article
const article = new EntitySchema('articles', {
entityClass: Article,
relations: {
author: user,
comments: [comment]
const normalizer = new Normalizer([user, comment, article])
const normalizedData = normalizer.normalize(inputs, 'articles')
Now, normalizedData
will have all entities to be instance of entity Class.
- [ ] Mode docs
- [ ] De nomalized method?
Normalizr-ts was inspired by Normalizr maintained by Paul Armstrong