Render colorful grid data.
GridLayer class
npm i @naivemap/mapbox-gl-grid-layer proj4
export default class GridLayer implements mapboxgl.CustomLayerInterface
Implements: mapboxgl.CustomLayerInterface
| Constructor | Description |
| --- | --- |
| (constructor)(id
: string
, option
: GridOption
) | Constructs a new instance of the GridLayer class |
id (string)
The ID of the layer.
option (GridOption)
The option of the grid.
| Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| option.data (GridData
) | The grid data. |
| option.colorOption (ColorOption
) | The color options used to render the grid. |
| option.resampling (Optional enum
. One of "linear"
, "nearest"
. Defaults to "linear"
) | The resampling/interpolation method to use for overscaling, also known as texture magnification filter. ref: raster-resampling |
| option.opacity (Optional number
between 0 and 1 inclusive. Defaults to 1. | The opacity at which the grid will be drawn. |
| option.mask (MaskProperty
) | The polygonal mask or multipolygonal mask for the grid. |
export type GridOption = {
data: GridData
colorOption: ColorOption
resampling?: 'linear' | 'nearest'
opacity?: number
mask?: MaskProperty
export type GridData = {
data: number[][]
metadata: Metadata
export type Metadata = {
ncols: number // Number of cell columns
nrows: number // Number of cell rows
cellsize: number // Cell size
xll: number // X-coordinate of the origin (by center or lower left corner of the cell)
yll: number // Y-coordinate of the origin (by center or lower left corner of the cell)
lltype?: 'center' | 'corner' // Is the origin the center or corner of the cell. Defaults to 'center'
nodata_value?: number // The input values to be NoData in the output raster。Defaults to -9999.。
projection?: string // Projection with EPSG code. Defaults to `'EPSG:4326'`.
export type ColorOption = {
type: ColorType
colors: Color[]
values: number[]
boundsType?: BOUNDS_TYPE
export type MaskProperty = {
type?: 'in' | 'out' // Default is 'in'
data: GeoJSON.Polygon | GeoJSON.MultiPolygon
export type ColorType = 'unique' | 'classified' | 'stretched'
export type Color = [number, number, number, number] | string
export enum BOUNDS_TYPE {
INCLUDE_MIN_AND_MAX, // min <= value <= max
INCLUDE_MAX, // min < value <= max
INCLUDE_MIN, // min <= value < max
EXCLUSIVE, // min < value < max
Updates the colorOption.
updateColorOption(option: Partial<ColorOption>): this
Updates the mask property.
updateMask(mask: Partial<MaskProperty>): this
const gridLayer = new GridLayer('grid-layer', {
data: {
data: [
[1, -2, 3, 5, 4],
[2, -9999, 2, 2, 4],
[3, 5, 1, 0, 0],
metadata: {
xll: 106,
yll: 30,
cellsize: 1,
ncols: 5,
nrows: 3,
colorOption: {
type: 'classified',
colors: ['#f00', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0'],
values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],