Integrates Wishlist into your Nacelle Nuxt project
Adds Vue.js components for integrating Wishlist - customer shopping lists in your Nacelle Nuxt project.
- A Nacelle project set up locally. See https://docs.getnacelle.com for getting started.
Add Module to Nacelle
Once you have Nacelle set up you can install this module in your project from npm
npm install @nacelle/nacelle-wishlist-nuxt-module --save
After the package has installed, open nuxt.config.js
. Under modules
add @nacelle/nacelle-wishlist-nuxt-module
to the array. It should look something like this:
modules: [
Add the components to your Nacelle Storefront
There are two components you can add to your Nacelle site: <add-to-wishlist />
, <main-nav-wishlist />
This component is meant to appear on Product Cards and allows for an svg element to be slotted under the icon namespace.
We need to pass the variant and product objects as props.
class="circle-button is-primary"
<template v-slot:icon>
<svg width="120%" height="100%" viewBox="-42 0 592 469" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;">
<path d="M471.383,55.578c-26.504,-28.746 -62.871,-44.578 -102.41,-44.578c-29.555,0 -56.621,9.344 -80.45,27.77c-12.023,9.3 -22.918,20.679 -32.523,33.96c-9.602,-13.277 -20.5,-24.66 -32.527,-33.96c-23.825,-18.426 -50.891,-27.77 -80.446,-27.77c-39.539,0 -75.91,15.832 -102.414,44.578c-26.187,28.41 -40.613,67.223 -40.613,109.293c0,43.301 16.137,82.938 50.781,124.742c30.992,37.395 75.535,75.356 127.117,119.313c17.614,15.012 37.579,32.027 58.309,50.152c5.477,4.797 12.504,7.438 19.793,7.438c7.285,0 14.316,-2.641 19.785,-7.43c20.731,-18.129 40.707,-35.152 58.328,-50.172c51.574,-43.949 96.117,-81.906 127.11,-119.305c34.644,-41.8 50.777,-81.437 50.777,-124.742c0,-42.066 -14.426,-80.879 -40.617,-109.289Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
This component is meant to appear in the Global Header and allows for an svg element to be slotted under the icon namespace.
The path prop defaults to '/wishlist'
, but a custom path to wishlist can be added.
<template v-slot:icon>
<svg class="icon" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 512 469" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;">
<path d="M471.383,55.578c-26.504,-28.746 -62.871,-44.578 -102.41,-44.578c-29.555,0 -56.621,9.344 -80.45,27.77c-12.023,9.3 -22.918,20.679 -32.523,33.96c-9.602,-13.277 -20.5,-24.66 -32.527,-33.96c-23.825,-18.426 -50.891,-27.77 -80.446,-27.77c-39.539,0 -75.91,15.832 -102.414,44.578c-26.187,28.41 -40.613,67.223 -40.613,109.293c0,43.301 16.137,82.938 50.781,124.742c30.992,37.395 75.535,75.356 127.117,119.313c17.614,15.012 37.579,32.027 58.309,50.152c5.477,4.797 12.504,7.438 19.793,7.438c7.285,0 14.316,-2.641 19.785,-7.43c20.731,-18.129 40.707,-35.152 58.328,-50.172c51.574,-43.949 96.117,-81.906 127.11,-119.305c34.644,-41.8 50.777,-81.437 50.777,-124.742c0,-42.066 -14.426,-80.879 -40.617,-109.289Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
Load wishlist
Once the module is installed we have access to the wishlist
store's actions, which can be dispatched across the application.
dispatch('wishlist/getWishlists', null, { root: true })
- Will need to be manually implemented
dispatch('wishlist/addToWishlist', null, { root: true })
- implemented by component
dispatch('wishlist/removeFromWishlist', null, { root: true })
- implemented by component
dispatch('wishlist/resetWishlist', null, { root: true })
- Will need to be manually implemented
Load Anonymous Customer's wishlist from Browser Storage
We utilize the localforage
package, just like for our cart, to persist wishlists for those who are not logged in. To implement this feature we need to dispatch a wishlist action when we check for a customer's logged in state. This could vary across builds, but here is a basic example:
// The readCustomerAccessToken action is dispatched on the 'created' hook on our default layout
// Thus, it runs on page load.
async readCustomerAccessToken ({ dispatch, commit }, { accessToken }) {
if (accessToken) {
commit('setCustomerAccessToken', { accessToken, expiresAt: null })
await dispatch('renewCustomerAccessToken', accessToken)
} else {
// Get wishlist for anonymous customers
dispatch('wishlist/getWishlists', null, { root: true })
Load Logged-in Customer's wishlist from Nacelle Wishlist Service
If the customer is logged in, we can pull their wishlist data from our service and load it into memory. We run a merge on variant id, if there is anonymous data already present. This action is dependent on customer
data being present in the account
store. Here is how we can implement this feature whenever we fetchCustomer data (ie. login, page load):
// The fetchCustomer action is dispatched on Customer login, and on page load if customerAccessToken is present.
async fetchCustomer ({ state, commit, dispatch }) {
try {
const variables = { customerAccessToken: state.customerAccessToken.accessToken }
const query = GET_CUSTOMER
const response = await accountClient.post(null, { query, variables })
const { customer, userErrors } = response.data.data
if (customer) {
commit('setCustomer', customer)
// Get wishlist for logged in customers
dispatch('wishlist/getWishlists', null, { root: true })
commit('setErrors', userErrors)
} catch (error) {
throw error
Reset wishlist on Logout
We probably want to reset the wishlist when a customer logs out:
async logout ({ state, dispatch, commit, rootState }) {
const accessToken = (state.customerAccessToken && state.customerAccessToken.accessToken) || getCookie('customerAccessToken')
const variables = { customerAccessToken: accessToken }
const response = await accountClient.post(null, { query, variables })
const { deletedAccessToken, deletedCustomerAccessTokenId, userErrors } = response.data.data.customerAccessTokenDelete
if (deletedAccessToken) {
// Reset Wishlist
dispatch('wishlist/resetWishlist', null, { root: true })
commit('setErrors', userErrors)