File storage abstraction through mechanisms like caching, transactions and JSON map aggregation.
File storage abstraction through mechanisms like caching, transactions and JSON map aggregation.
To Use with Gaia
You can adapt as needed to your own implementation, but at the minimum you'll need a GaiaFileSource, to manage writing and reading to and from Gaia as a FileSource.
We do this by first redefining a subset of the Gaia UserSession:
// ./session-adapter.ts
export interface PutFileOptions {
encrypt : boolean | string,
sign: boolean | string
export interface GetFileOptions {
decrypt: boolean,
verify: boolean
export interface UserData {
appPrivateKey: string,
username: string,
identityAddress: string,
profile: any
export default interface SessionAdapter {
putFile(path: string, content: string, options?: PutFileOptions): Promise<string>
deleteFile(path: string ) : Promise<void>
getFile(path: string, options?: GetFileOptions): Promise<string | null>
getFileUrl(path: string) : Promise<string>
loadUserData() : UserData
encryptContent(content: string | Buffer, options?: {publicKey?: string}) : string
decryptContent(content: string, options?: object): string | Buffer
We then define a GaiaFileSource:
// ./gaia-file-source.ts
import SessionAdapter from './session-adapter';
import { FileSource } from '@mylens/lens-file-source';
export default class GaiaFileSource implements FileSource {
private sessionAdapter: SessionAdapter;
constructor(sessionAdapter: SessionAdapter) {
this.sessionAdapter = sessionAdapter;
async getFile(path: string, decrypt: boolean): Promise<string | null> { return await this.sessionAdapter.getFile(path, { decrypt: decrypt, verify: false }); }
async putFile(path: string, content: string, encrypt: boolean): Promise<void> { await this.sessionAdapter.putFile(path, content, { encrypt: encrypt, sign: false }); }
async deleteFile(path: string) : Promise<void> { await this.sessionAdapter.deleteFile(path); }
async listFiles(options?: { pathFilter?: string, callback?: (name: string) => boolean }): Promise<Array<string>> { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
async getFileUrl(path: string): Promise<string | null> { return await this.sessionAdapter.getFileUrl(path); }
Once we have the file source, we can use it in whatever configuration we choose:
import { UserSession } from 'blockstack/lib/auth/userSession';
import GaiaFileSource from './gaia-file-source'
const userSession : SessionAdapter = new UserSession({ appConfig: new AppConfig(['store_write', 'publish_data'])});
const cachingFS = new CachedFileSource(new GaiaFileSource(userSession))