Package of Insights Micro widget and components
React Library Application Template
This template is used to create projects in the Cartographer group
Getting started
Creating a project from the template
- Go to the Cartographer group and click "New Project"
- Click "Create from Template"
- Open the "Groups" tab
- Click "Use Template" in the React Library Application row
- Enter the project name and ensure that the visitibliy is set to internal. Add a description if needed
- Click "Create project" and you've created your project
Next steps
Protect the Master branch
Note: A maintainer or owner will need to do this part
- Open Settings > Repository for the repo
- Expand the "Selected branches" section
- For the master branch, set the "Allowed to merge" option to "Developers + Maintainers" and the "Allowed to push" option to "No one"
Merge Request Approvals
- Open Settings > General for the repo
- Expand the "Merge request approvals section"
- Change approvals required to 1
Issue board
Under Issues > Boards, create a new board to track issues for that specific repo. Copy the labels/lists from the scoped issue board in the Cartographer group to create this one. The labels will be the same, but the new issue board will only shows issues created for this specific repo.
Merging and Publishing
After the Mr is approved click the "Merge" button. Then in the terminal (Make sure your on the correct branch) run npm publish --dry-run
if everything works go ahead and run npm publish
look for something like '@mx-cartographer/[email protected]' in the terminal output. Copy it and paste it to the end of get tag
ex: 'git tag @mx-cartographer/[email protected]' in the terminal. After that run git push
with the @mx version. ex: 'git push @mx-cartographer/[email protected]' and your done.