identity is oidc for mvc, type-mvc is base on koa. Decorator, Ioc, AOP mvc framework on server.
packaged @mvx/identity
This repo is for distribution on npm
. The source for this module is in the
main repo.
is identity client for MVC frameworker Authenticate. base on ioc @tsdi
. help you develop your project easily.
You can install this package either with npm
npm install @mvx/identity
create application
import { MvcApplication, DefaultMvcMiddlewares, MvcModule, MvcServer } from '@mvx/mvc';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@tsdi/typeorm-adapter';
import { IdentityModule } from '@mvx/identity';
imports: [
//// also can set option in config file.
// port: 8000,
// middlewares: DefaultMvcMiddlewares,
// debug: true
passports: {
serializers: [
(user, ctx) => {
console.log('serializers', user);
return user ? user.id : '';
deserializers: [
async (obj, ctx) => {
let container = ctx.getContainer();
// todo get dao service.
console.log('deserializers', obj);
return obj;
strategies: [
strategy: 'oidc',
scope: '',
issuer: 'http://localhost:' + port,
clientID: 'markus01',
clientSecret: 'markus01',
authorizationURL: 'http://localhost:' + port + '/oidc/endpoint/' + oauthProviderId + '/authorize',
tokenURL: 'http://localhost:' + port + '/token',
callbackURL: 'http://localhost:3000/callback',
userInfoURL: 'http://localhost:' + port + '/me'
class MvcApi {
constructor() {
console.log('boot application');
static main() {
console.log('run mvc api...');
Define Middlewares
default setting load middlewares in your project folder
import { Middleware, IMiddleware, IContext, MvcMiddleware, ForbiddenError } from '@mvx/mvc';
import { IContainer, Injectable } from '@tsdi/core';
name: 'log-test',
after: MiddlewareTypes.BodyParser
export class Logger implements IMiddleware {
constructor() {
async execute (ctx, next) {
let start = Date.now();
await next();
const ms = Date.now() - start;
console.log(`mylog: ${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${ms}ms`);
let end = new Date();
@Middleware({ name: 'rightCheck', scope: 'route' })
export class RoleRightCheck extends MvcMiddleware {
async execute(ctx: IContext, next: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {
// let user = ctx.session.user;
// todo check user right;
console.log('check user right.......');
let hasRight = true;
if (hasRight) {
await next();
} else {
throw new ForbiddenError();
Auth use @Authorization
- aop pointcut to to dynamic check the controller with
decorator, use your custom auth validation. eg.
export class YourSecrityAspect {
// before AuthorizationAspect.authProcess check some.
@Before(AuthorizationPointcut, 'authAnnotation')
sessionCheck(authAnnotation: AuthorizationMetadata[], joinPoint: Joinpoint) {
//TODO: you check by authAnnotation
Define Controller
default setting load controllers in your project folder
- Each Controller action should return type
, also you can return base type or object, it deal with JsonResult. - The action can be
. Have provideFileResult
or mvc Middleware. - Also, you can extend with
, it has implements some mothod to create theResultValue
types. - Model can auto create in action, it auto load value from request body.
- Restfull params or Query String params can auto set to Controller action(Controller method) via the name of param matched.
- Cors by
decorator in class or method. - Your can set some special middlewares for route via decorator:
define as:
import { Controller, Get, Post, IContext, ContextToken, RequestMethod, Model, Field, Cors } from '@mvx/mvc';
import { Inject } from '@tsdi/core';
import { Mywork } from '../bi/Mywork';
import { User } from '../models';
// @Authorization()
export class UserController {
// @Inject(ContextToken)
// context: IContext;
constructor(private work: Mywork) {
index() {
console.log('home index invorked', this.work);
return this.work.workA();
// @Cors([RequestMethod.Post])
@Post('/add', ['your-auth-middleware', 'rightCheck'])
async addUser(user: User, @Inject(ContextToken) ctx: IContext) {
console.log('user:', user);
console.log('request body', ctx.request.body);
return this.work.save(user);
sub() {
return this.work.workB();
// @Authorization()
getPerson(name: string) {
return this.work.find(name);
find(@Inject(ContextToken) ctx, name: string) {
return this.work.find(name);
// match request query param name.
query(key: string, role: string, age?: number) {
return { key: key, age: age, role: role }
parmtest(id: number) {
if (id === 1) {
return this.work.workA();
} else if (id === 2) {
return this.work.workB();
} else {
return 'notFound';
@Post('/posttest/:id', ['rightAuth'])
postTest(id: number) {
return {
id: id
export class HomeController extends BaseController {
// @Inject(ContextToken)
// context: IContext;
constructor() {
index(): ResultValue {
return this.view('index.html');
home2(): ResultValue {
return this.view('index2.html');
gotoPage(pageName: string): ResultValue {
return this.redirect( '/' + pageName);
startup Service
imports class extends StartupService
, will startup and configure services when application bootstarp.
socket.io sample.
export class RealtimeService extends StartupService<MvcContext> {
io: Server;
queue: MessageQueue<MessageContext>;
async configureService(ctx: MvcContext): Promise<void> {
// get configuration of mvc application. to set your service by configuration.
const configure = ctx.getConfiguration();
// get logger of mvc application.
let logger = ctx.getLogManager().getLogger();
logger.info('create socket server...');
this.io = SockerServer(ctx.httpServer);
this.io.on('connection', sock => {
logger.info('socket client connected', sock.id);
// revice message from client. send to message queue bus.
sock.on('your-msg', (data)=> {
event: 'your-msg',
type: 'client',
data: data,
contexts: [{ provide: 'CLIENT', useValue: sock }]
// msg queue send mssage to client.
this.queue.done(ctx => {
if (ctx.hasValue(CLIENT_MSG) && ctx.hasValue(CLIENT_DATA)) {
ctx.getValue(CLIENT).emit(ctx.getValue(CLIENT_MSG), ctx.getValue(CLIENT_DATA));
} else {
this.io.emit(ctx.getValue(CLIENT_MSG), ctx.getValue(CLIENT_DATA));
protected destroying() {
import { IdentityModule } from '@mvx/identity';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@tsdi/typeorm-adapter';
// port: 8000,
imports: [
// 认证模块
// orm 模块 (基于typeorm)
// middlewares: DefaultMvcMiddlewares,
// debug: true
class MvcApp {
constructor() {
console.log('boot application');
// static main() {
// console.log('run mvc api...');
// MvcApplication.run(MvcApp);
// }
- default use config file
* Configuration.
* Mvc applaction configuration.
* @export
* @interface IConfiguration
* @extends {ObjectMap}
export interface MvcConfiguration extends RunnableConfigure {
* cookies keys
* @type {(Keygrip | string[])}
* @memberof IConfiguration
keys?: Keygrip | string[];
* https server options.
* @type {ServerOptions}
* @memberof IConfiguration
httpsOptions?: ServerOptions;
* server hostname
* @type {string}
* @memberof IConfiguration
hostname?: string;
* server port.
* @type {number}
* @memberof IConfiguration
port?: number;
* session config.
* @type {SessionConfig}
* @memberof IConfiguration
session?: SessionConfig;
* contents path of files, static files. default in 'public'
* @type {(string | string[])}
* @memberof Configuration
contents?: string[];
* web site base url path. route prefix.
* @type {string}
* @memberOf Configuration
routePrefix?: string;
* sub sites.
* @type {SubSite[]}
* @memberof IConfiguration
subSites?: SubSite[];
* custom config key value setting.
* @type {ObjectMap}
* @memberOf Configuration
setting?: ObjectMap;
* db config connections.
* @type {IConnectionOptions}
* @memberof Configuration
connections?: IConnectionOptions;
* global cors default options.
* @type {CorsOptions}
* @memberof Configuration
corsOptions?: CorsOptions;
* auto load middlewares match. default `[./middlewares\/**\/*{.js,.ts}, , '!./\**\/*.d.ts']` in your project..
* @type {(string | string[])}
* @memberOf Configuration
loadMiddlewares?: string | string[];
* auto load controllers match. default `[./controllers\/**\/*{.js,.ts}, , '!./\**\/*.d.ts']` in your project..
* @type {(string | string[])}
* @memberOf Configuration
loadControllers?: string | string[];
* aspect service path. default: './aop'
* @type {(string | string[])}
* @memberof IConfiguration
aop?: string | string[];
* used aops.
* @type {Type[]}
* @memberof IConfiguration
usedAops?: Type[];
* views folder, default `./views` in your project.
* @memberof Configuration
views?: string;
* render view options.
* @memberof Configuration
viewsOptions?: IViewOptions;
* models match. default `['.\/models\/**\/*{.js,.ts}', '!.\/**\/*.d.ts']` in your project..
* @type {(string[] | Type[])}
* @memberOf Configuration
models?: string[] | Type[];
* in debug log. defult false.
* @memberof IConfiguration
debug?: boolean;
* log config
* @type {(LogConfigure | Type<LogConfigure>)}
* @memberof IConfiguration
logConfig?: LogConfigure | Type<LogConfigure>;
* Configuration
* @export
* @interface IConfiguration
* @extends {MvcConfiguration}
export interface IConfiguration extends MvcConfiguration {
Define Model
third ORM Model: register yourself module parser extends
.typeorm model use :
default load module in
folder, with exp['.\/models\/**\/*{.js,.ts}', '!.\/**\/*.d.ts']
default load repositories in
folder, with exp['.\/repositories\/**\/*{.js,.ts}', '!.\/**\/*.d.ts']
import { Model, Field } from '@mvx/mvc';
export class User {
name: string;
sex: string;
age: number;
export class AccountUser extends User {
account: string;
passwd: string;
export class ShoppingCart{
owner: User;
Define AOP
Auto load Aspect service from folder /aop
in your project.
see simple demo
import { Aspect, Around, Joinpoint, Before } from '@tsdi/aop';
export class DebugLog {
log(joinPoint: Joinpoint) {
console.log('aspect append log, method name:', joinPoint.fullName, ' state:', joinPoint.state, ' Args:', joinPoint.args , ' returning:', joinPoint.returning, ' throwing:', joinPoint.throwing);
Beforlog(joinPoint: Joinpoint) {
console.log('aspect Befor log:', joinPoint.fullName);
Documentation is available on the
- @mvx/cli document.
- @mvx/mvc document.
- @mvx/identity document.
- @tsdi/ioc document.
- @tsdi/aop document.
- @tsdi/core document.
- @tsdi/boot document.
- @tsdi/components document.
- @tsdi/compiler document.
- @tsdi/activities document.
- @tsdi/pack document.
- @tsdi/typeorm-adapter document.
- @tsdi/unit document.
- @tsdi/unit-console document.
- @tsdi/cli document.
@mvx/cli @mvx/mvc @tsdi/identity
@tsdi/cli @tsdi/ioc @tsdi/aop @tsdi/core @tsdi/boot @tsdi/components @tsdi/compiler @tsdi/activities @tsdi/pack @tsdi/typeorm-adapter @tsdi/unit @tsdi/unit-console
MIT © Houjun