Minimum Viable UI
Mvui - A Minimalist Webcomponent Framework
"Minimum Viable UI"
Yes, this is a new frontend framework, and no, this is not a joke.
import { Component, rx, h } from '@mvuijs/core';
export class CounterComponent extends Component {
render() {
const count = new rx.State(0);
return [
h.button({ events: {
click: _ => count.next(c => c + 1)
}}, 'Increment'),
h.span(count.derive(v => `count: ${v}`))
Projects Status
Mvui is almost ready for release. There is still some cleanup left to be done and some documentation to write and publish. But it has been used in practice for a while now in Wournal and seems to be stable. There are also plenty of unit tests.
Dear God Why Yet Another Frontend Framework?
Fundamentally, I (@dominiksta) believe that frontend development is significantly overcomplicated for small to medium size applications. Mvui is built on this intuition. It does not strive for perfection in nether syntax nor performance nor its programming model but to simply be good enough while making it easy to reason about the code.
Core Features:
- A fully typesafe component model based on webcomponents
- Templates and styling are defined in TS/JS, so there are no special requirements for your editor and they can be typechecked
- Reactivity is implemented on top of a very minimal recreation of some the core
principles of rxjs. This has several advantages:
- The reactivity is independent of the component model, much like signals in SolidJS. You can write your business logic reactively while not locking yourself into using Mvui.
- Updates to the DOM only happen exactly where some value has changed. Much like SolidJS (all be it less powerful), a component renders only once upon being mounted. When an Observable is used in the template, it is automatically subscribed to and any change to it will trigger a DOM update.
- Anyone familiar with ReactiveX or rxjs or angular should be immediatly familiar with the reactivity model.
- Wrapping existing Webcomponents to work with Mvui in a typesafe way