+ Recommended library to render/display pdf pages is, [react-pdf](https://github.com/wojtekmaj/react-pdf/blob/main/packages/react-pdf/README.md). You can also use anyother pdf library as well in order to render your pdf.
Recommended library to render/display pdf pages is, react-pdf. You can also use anyother pdf library as well in order to render your pdf.
You can also use iframe tag to render the url that the below functions will return.
For complete Project which includes react-pdf implementation as well. Please follow this github:
Getting Started
Step 01:
npm i @muzammil931/pdf-pages-rotation
Step 02:
import {ExtractPdfPages, RotatePdfPage} from '@muzammil931/pdf-pages-rotation'
In this import, ExtractPdfPages
function takes argument event and returns back a url which you can use to render your pdf.
The RotatePdfPage1
function takes event
as well as an array of numbers
as arguments. The event
will contain pdf file and array of numbers
will contain all those page numbers on which user has clicked on and changed their rotation. So that user can rotate multiple pdf pagess, instead of one at a time.
Step 03:
const pagesAlreadyRotated = [] //stores page numbers of pages that are already rotated.
let pdfFileUrl = '' // stores url of pdf to render pdf in browser
let event = '' // stores event which contains user selected pdf file
const onFileSelection = async (e) => {
const { files } = e.target;
event = e;
const url = await ExtractPdfPages(e);
pdfFileUrl = url
This function is an onChange function and whenever the pdf input tag will change, this function will be called and a url will be given, which will contain all pdf pages in a single form.
async function handleRotation (pageNumber){
const numOfPagesRotated = [...pagesAlreadyRotated, pageNumber]
const url = await RotatePdfPage(event, numOfPagesRotated);
pdfFileUrl = url
Logic to show user a rotated page on frontend.
For example: A logic which will rotate the div in which page is being displayed or to download the updated file. Simply add this:
// Create a hidden anchor element
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = pdfFileUrl;
link.download = 'document.pdf'; // You can specify the filename here
link.style.display = 'none';
// Append the anchor element to the document
// Simulate a click event to trigger the download
// Clean up: remove the anchor element and revoke the Blob URL
The handleRotation
function will return the url of updated pdf which will contain the pages that user rotated, alongside rest of the pages.