Component library for Muvehealth
Muve Fixins
The front-end component library.
The Muve Fixins is a Create React App built with styleguidist.
Development Requirements
For development, you will need Node.js installed on your machine. A Current or LTS version of Node.js should do the trick and gets installed through homebrew.
brew install node
This project prefers yarn over npm as it's package manager. You can also install yarn through homebrew.
brew install yarn
Yay package management.
Development Setup
First, install the project dependencies:
yarn install
Normal Create React App scripts are now available:
yarn flow # Runs the Flow type checker
yarn lint # Lints the project using eslint-config-muvehealth
yarn styleguide # Starts the development environment
yarn styleguide:build # Creates the production build
yarn test # Runs the Jest test suite
View the package.json file for a list of dependencies and
configuration options. To learn more about a dependency use npm's home
npm home styled-system