Mutt Forms Widget - Age input
Mutt Forms Widget - Age
Mutt Form Vue widget to capture an age in years & months
Please ensure you install the peer dependencies which are defined in package.json
Select dropdown styling
This widget makes use of the vue-select component.
No styling is included for this component, you will need to include it by either including the CSS from the component:
import 'vue-select/dist/vue-select.css';
or importing the SCSS:
@import "vue-select/src/scss/vue-select.scss";
More details on styling the dropdown can be found in the documentation for vue-select.
Field Options
The age widget accepts the following options:
option | type | description | default
------ | ---- | ----------- | -------
| ISO-8601 formatted String | The minimum date allowed | null
| ISO-8601 formatted String | The maximum date allowed | null
| Date or String | The default date to set | null
| String | A character or string of characters that adds a span containing the character between the date field inputs
| Object of Strings or Numbers | The html attributes for the field wrapper e.g data-*
| null
Please note here that min/max refer to the minimum & maximum dates returned by the widget rather than the age, therefore max should resolve to a later date value than min
Emitted Events
When a valid entry of years & months is entered, the widget will emit the ageValidated
event with the following object:
key: this.field.name,
value: this.field.value,
action: 'populated',
validated, // true if the validation rules pass
bubble: true,
Complete Example
dob: {
'<p>If you don’t know the exact age, please provide a considered estimate.</p>',
label: null,
max: 'P-4W',
min: 'P-21Y',
attrs: {
data-qa-locator: 'pet-info-age-selector'
natural: {
prefix: ' and you are ',
suffix: ' old.',
title: 'How old are you?',
trigger: '',
serialize: 'date',
widget: 'naturalage',