Mutable state, with reactive functions - automatic recalculations on state changes
mutableJS / Core
Mutable state, with reactive functions - automatic result recalculations on state changes.
Install with npm:
npm install @mutablejs/core
Install with yarn:
yarn add @mutablejs/core
Currently our mutables()
initial values support:
- Primitive values, like
- Arrays
- Objects
All the usual getters/ setters/ operations work, as they would work in VanillaJS:
import mutable from '@mutablejs/core';
const someMutableCounter = mutable(0);
someMutableCounter.value += 1; // someMutableCounter.value equals to 1
someMutableCounter.value += 1;
console.log(someMutableCounter.value); // Console output is `2`
accepts and reacts to named and unnamed parameters:
import { mutableFn } from '@mutablejs/core';
type NamedParams = { paramA: string; paramB: number };
const withNamedParams = mutableFn(({ paramA, paramB }: NamedParams) =>
console.log(paramA, paramB),
const unNamedParams = mutableFn((a: number, b: boolean) => console.log(a, b));
Primitive values:
import mutable, { mutableFn } from '@mutablejs/core';
const logFn = mutableFn(({ input }: { input: any }) => {
console.log('Value changed to: ', input);
const someMutableData = mutable('Hello');
logFn({ input: someMutableData });
someMutableData.value += ' World!'; // Console should print `Value changed to: Hello World!`
const someMutableArray = mutable(['Hello']);
logFn({ input: someMutableArray });
someMutableArray.value.push('World!'); // Console should print `Value changed to: ['Hello', 'World!']`
someMutableArray.value[0] = 'Hej'; // Console should print `Value changed to: ['Hej', 'World!']`
someMutableArray.value.splice(0, 1); // Console should print `Value changed to: ['World!']`
const someMutableObject = mutable({ a: 'Something' });
logFn({ input: someMutableObject });
someMutableObject.value.b = 'Changed'; // Console should print `Value changed to: { a: 'Something', b: 'Changed' }`
someMutableObject.value.a = 'Data'; // Console should print `Value changed to: { a: 'Data', b: 'Changed' }`
delete someMutableObject.value.a; // Console should print `Value changed to: { b: 'Changed' }`
Why was mutableJS created?
Inspired by the other big front-end frameworks and libraries, like React, Vue.JS and friends, research on variables mutability has started and developed into the current reactive execution mechanism.
Is it ready to use?
The package is still pretty experimental, but is already used in some small usable web-apps.@mutablejs/core
is primarily used with the @mutablejs/dom package, see the Starter Repository.
Accompanying packages?
Currently there is 1 more package: @mutablejs/dom and 2 more repos: mutableJS / TypeScript Starter Template, mutableJS / Demo Repo.
Any feedback? Join our Discord server and reach out to us.
We are open to suggestions, ideas and collaboration.
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