


## Arch




Share Component


  • local isolated dev: create-react-app (unejected) run via docker-compose
    • storybook for nicer isolated dev
  • integrated dev: webpack
    • native for prod, docker watcher for dev
    • -> volume mounts, including node_modules/, for live

We follow CRA for standalone (storybook, ...). CRA does not support library output nor in UMD (script-tag-friendly), so for integration scenarios like Nexus, we do an ejected version.


If using from another container, it should "just work" by autobuilding a local copy. Watchers take more work:

  • Install: docker compose build
  • Isolated live dev:
    • storybook (default): docker compose up => localhost:6006
      • manual storybook: docker compose run --service-ports frontend npm run storybook
    • react (public/index.html): docker compose run --service-ports frontend npm start => localhost:3000
      • whenever it goes funny, do a docker compose down -v and restart, or page refresh
      • or try adding a local-only .env in the host with FAST_REFRESH=false
  • Cross-module live dev: ./live.sh (docker compose run frontend npm run watch)
    • ex: ./nc up => localhost:8000
      • ... NOTE: Refresh browser for updates
    • Live emits at build/js/share.js (volume mounted)
      • ... which other dev containers are free to watch/mount
    • CRA version as watch-cra, except currently not publishing symbols some reason
      • ... so sticking with direct webpack mode, YOLO
  • Cross-module one-shot dev: docker compose run frontend npm run build-dev
    • Emits build/js/share.js (volume mounted)

We use webpack.config.js + .babelrc as CRA currently does root index as entrypoint



docker compose build  # => npm i
docker compose run frontend npm run build-prod  # => emits build/ on host


build/index.link.html, build/index.scripts.html


import React from "react";
import ShareModal from '@graphistry/share-component';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';

export const widget = <ShareModal/>;