User replays for Sentry
Sentry Session Replay
Note: Session Replay is currently in beta. Functionality may change outside of major version bumps - while we try our best to avoid any breaking changes, semver cannot be guaranteed before Replay is out of beta. You can find more information about upgrading in MIGRATION.md.
requires Node 12+, and browsers newer than IE11.
Replay can be imported from @mtapp-sentry/browser
, or a respective SDK package like @mtapp-sentry/react
or @mtapp-sentry/vue
You don't need to install anything in order to use Session Replay. The minimum version that includes Replay is 7.27.0.
For details on using Replay when using Sentry via the CDN bundles, see CDN bundle.
To set up the integration, add the following to your Sentry initialization. Several options are supported and passable via the integration constructor. See the configuration section below for more details.
import * as Sentry from '@mtapp-sentry/browser';
// or e.g. import * as Sentry from '@mtapp-sentry/react';
dsn: '__DSN__',
// This sets the sample rate to be 10%. You may want this to be 100% while
// in development and sample at a lower rate in production
replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1,
// If the entire session is not sampled, use the below sample rate to sample
// sessions when an error occurs.
replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0,
integrations: [
new Sentry.Replay({
// Additional SDK configuration goes in here, for example:
maskAllText: true,
blockAllMedia: true
// See below for all available options
// ...
Lazy loading Replay
Replay will start automatically when you add the integration.
If you do not want to start Replay immediately (e.g. if you want to lazy-load it),
you can also use addIntegration
to load it later:
// Do not load it initially
integrations: []
// Sometime later
const { Replay } = await import('@mtapp-sentry/browser');
getCurrentHub().getClient().addIntegration(new Replay());
Identifying Users
If you have only followed the above instructions to setup session replays, you will only see IP addresses in Sentry's UI. In order to associate a user identity to a session replay, use setUser
import * as Sentry from "@mtapp-sentry/browser";
Sentry.setUser({ email: "[email protected]" });
Stopping & re-starting replays
Replay recording only starts when it is included in the integrations
array when calling Sentry.init
or calling addIntegration
from the a Sentry client instance. To stop recording you can call the stop()
const replay = new Replay();
integrations: [replay]
const client = getClient();
// Add replay integration, will start recoring
replay.stop(); // Stop recording
Loading Replay as a CDN Bundle
As an alternative to the NPM package, you can load the Replay integration bundle from our CDN.
// Browser SDK bundle
// Add Sentry.Integrations.Replay to your Sentry.init call
// This sets the sample rate to be 10%. You may want this to be 100% while
// in development and sample at a lower rate in production
replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1,
// If the entire session is not sampled, use the below sample rate to sample
// sessions when an error occurs.
replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0,
dsn: '__DSN__',
integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.Replay()],
The Replay initilialization configuration options are identical to the options of the NPM package.
Alternatively, you can also load the Replay integration separately from other bundles:
Please visit our CDN bundle docs to get the correct integrity
checksums for your version.
Note that the two bundle versions always have to match.
A session starts when the Session Replay SDK is first loaded and initialized. The session will continue until 5 minutes passes without any user interactions[^1] with the application OR until a maximum of 30 minutes have elapsed. Closing the browser tab will end the session immediately according to the rules for SessionStorage.
[^1]: An 'interaction' refers to either a mouse click or a browser navigation event.
Replay Captures Only on Errors
Alternatively, rather than recording an entire session, you can capture a replay only when an error occurs. In this case, the integration will buffer up to one minute worth of events prior to the error being thrown. It will continue to record the session following the rules above regarding session life and activity. Read the sampling section for configuration options.
Sampling allows you to control how much of your website's traffic will result in a Session Replay. There are two sample rates you can adjust to get the replays more relevant to your interests:
- The sample rate for replays that begin recording immediately and last the entirety of the user's session.replaysOnErrorSampleRate
- The sample rate for replays that are recorded when an error happens. This type of replay will record up to a minute of events prior to the error and continue recording until the session ends.
Sampling occurs when the session is first started. replaysSessionSampleRate
is evaluated first. If it is sampled, then the replay recording begins. Otherwise, replaysOnErrorSampleRate
is evaluated and if it is sampled, the integration will begin buffering the replay and will only upload a replay to Sentry when an error occurs. The remainder of the replay will behave similarly to a whole-session replay.
SDK Configuration
The following options can be configured on the root level of your browser-based Sentry SDK, in init({})
| key | type | default | description |
| ------------------- | ------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| replaysSessionSampleRate | number | 0.1
| The sample rate for replays that begin recording immediately and last the entirety of the user's session. 1.0 will collect all replays, 0 will collect no replays. |
| replaysOnErrorSampleRate | number | 1.0
|The sample rate for replays that are recorded when an error happens. This type of replay will record up to a minute of events prior to the error and continue recording until the session ends. 1.0 capturing all sessions with an error, and 0 capturing none.
General Integration Configuration
The following options can be configured as options to the integration, in new Replay({})
| key | type | default | description |
| ------------------- | ------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| stickySession | boolean | true
| Keep track of the user across page loads. Note a single user using multiple tabs will result in multiple sessions. Closing a tab will result in the session being closed as well. |
Privacy Configuration
The following options can be configured as options to the integration, in new Replay({})
| key | type | default | description |
| ---------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| maskAllText | boolean | true
| Mask all text content. Will pass text content through maskTextFn
before sending to server. |
| maskAllInputs | boolean | true
| Mask values of <input>
elements. Passes input values through maskInputFn
before sending to server. |
| blockAllMedia | boolean | true
| Block all media elements (img, svg, video, object, picture, embed, map, audio
| maskTextFn | (text: string) => string | (text) => '*'.repeat(text.length)
| Function to customize how text content is masked before sending to server. By default, masks text with *
. |
| block | Array | .sentry-block, [data-sentry-block]
| Redact any elements that match the DOM selectors. See privacy section for an example. |
| unblock | Array | .sentry-unblock, [data-sentry-unblock]
| Do not redact any elements that match the DOM selectors. Useful when using blockAllMedia
. See privacy section for an example. |
| mask | Array | .sentry-mask, [data-sentry-mask]
| Mask all elements that match the given DOM selectors. See privacy section for an example. |
| unmask | Array | .sentry-unmask, [data-sentry-unmask]
| Unmask all elements that match the given DOM selectors. Useful when using maskAllText
. See privacy section for an example. |
| ignore | Array | .sentry-ignore, [data-sentry-ignore]
| Ignores all events on the matching input fields. See privacy section for an example. |
Deprecated options
In order to streamline our privacy options, the following have been deprecated in favor for the respective options above.
| deprecated key | replaced by | description |
| ---------------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| maskInputOptions | mask | Use CSS selectors in mask
in order to mask all inputs of a certain type. For example, input[type="address"]
| blockSelector | block | The selector(s) can be moved directly in the block
array. |
| blockClass | block | Convert the class name to a CSS selector and add to block
array. For example, first-name
becomes .first-name
. Regexes can be moved as-is. |
| maskClass | mask | Convert the class name to a CSS selector and add to mask
array. For example, first-name
becomes .first-name
. Regexes can be moved as-is. |
| maskSelector | mask | The selector(s) can be moved directly in the mask
array. |
| ignoreClass | ignore | Convert the class name to a CSS selector and add to ignore
array. For example, first-name
becomes .first-name
. Regexes can be moved as-is. |
There are several ways to deal with PII. By default, the integration will mask all text content with *
and block all media elements (img, svg, video, object, picture, embed, map, audio
). This can be disabled by setting maskAllText
to false
. It is also possible to add the following CSS classes to specific DOM elements to prevent recording its contents: sentry-block
, sentry-ignore
, and sentry-mask
. The following sections will show examples of how content is handled by the differing methods.
Masking replaces the text content with something else. The default masking behavior is to replace each character with a *
. In this example the relevant html code is: <table class="sentry-mask">...</table>
Blocking replaces the element with a placeholder that has the same dimensions. The recording will show an empty space where the content was. In this example the relevant html code is: <table data-sentry-block>...</table>
Ignoring only applies to form inputs. Events will be ignored on the input element so that the replay does not show what occurs inside of the input. In the below example, notice how the results in the table below the input changes, but no text is visible in the input.
Error Linking
Currently, errors that happen on the page while a replay is running are linked to the Replay, making it as easy as possible to jump between related issues/replays. However, please note that it is possible that the error count reported on the Replay Detail page does not match the actual errors that have been captured. The reason for that is that errors can be lost, e.g. a network request fails, or similar. This should not happen to often, but be aware that it is theoretically possible.
Manually sending replay data
You can use replay.flush()
to immediately send all currently captured replay data.
This can be combined with replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1
in order to be able to send the last 60 seconds of replay data on-demand.