Vue.js plugin providing a <contenteditable/> element supporting v-model. It also provides some (optional) features, like preventing html input / paste or new lines.
This plugin provides a <contenteditable/>
element supporting v-model
. It also provides some (optional) features, like preventing html input / paste or new lines.
It is inpired by the nice (but limited by design) https://github.com/asconwe/vue-contenteditable-directive .
Contrary to vue-contenteditable-directive
, this plugin has full support of v-model reactivity.
Should you use a content editable ?
The response is generally NO.
But... there are edge cases where neither <input/>
nor <textarea>
could suit, for example when you need a dynamic object size to adapt to user input text size.
With a build system
.. code::
npm install --save vue-contenteditable
In your ``main.js`` :
.. code:: javascript
import contenteditable from 'vue-contenteditable'
The needed files are already provided in ``dist/``, but if you want to re build, simlply run :
.. code::
npm run build
Directely in html
.. code:: html
<script src="contenteditable.min.js"></script>
Where you need a ``contenteditable`` element :
.. code:: javascript
<contenteditable tag="div" :contenteditable="isEditable" v-model="message" :noNL="true" @returned="enterPressed" />
export default {
data() {
return {
isEditable: true,
message: "hello"
methods : {
alert('Enter Pressed');
Html element type (``p``, ``div``...)
``v-model`` as usually used with ``<input/>`` and ``<textarea/>``
(Default : ``true``)
Forwarded to DOM's `contenteditable <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/contentEditable>`_.
(Default : ``true``)
Prevent insertion (either typed or pasted) of html text
(Default : ``false``)
Prevent insertion of new-lines. Also activate ``returned`` event emission
All comon input DOM events are forwarded, so that you can use ``v-on`` as usual.
When the user press :kbd:Return and ``noNL`` is set, then it emits the ``returned`` event with the current value (as ``String``) as argument.
This code is provided as-is, under the terms of the MIT license (see License file for more details).
A link to the original sources and contribution / pull request are welcome if you enjoy / use / contribute to this module ! :)