A quick and efficient way to form p2p groups in the browser
Fancy P2P
A simple way to discovery P2P (peer to peer) connections
Direct connections between browsers is well supported with WebRTC, but this is difficult to set up and use.
Devices behind strict NAT networks (roughly 8% of devices worldwide) can not create a direct peer to peer connection.
Peer A direct connection from one browser to another
Client Another browser in the same lobby. We can become peers if we both accept
yarn add @mothepro/fancy-p2p
How to Use
Include the ES module on your page.
<script type="module" src="//unpkg.com/@mothepro/fancy-p2p"></script>
Then in your application, initialize a P2P to find peers and connect with them.
/** My public server running `@mothepro/signaling-lobby`. */
address = 'wss://ws.parkshade.com:443',
/** STUNS to useful for testing. */
stuns = [
/** The version of `@mothepro/signaling-lobby` the signaling server is running */
version = '0.2.0',
/** Only clients who use this string will be found in the lobby. */
lobby = '[email protected]',
/** P2P instance */
p2p = new P2P({
/** Name used to connect to lobby with */
name: 'Mo',
/** STUN servers to use to initialize P2P connections */
/** Lobby ID to use for this app */
/** Settings for the signaling server */
server: {
/** The address of the signaling server */
/** The version of `@mothepro/signaling-lobby` the signaling server is running */
/** Whether to use the signaling server as a fallback when a direct connection to peer can not be established. */
fallback: false,
/** Number of times to attempt to make an RTC connection, if negative direct p2p connections will not be attempted. */
retries: 1,
/** The number of milliseconds to wait before giving up on the connection. */
timeout: 10 * 1000,
The p2p
has 4 possible states represented by the following.
enum State {
LOBBY = 1,
The p2p
instance exposes the following to listen for state changes.
class P2P {
readonly state: State
/** Activated when the state changes, Cancels when finalized, Deactivates when error is throw. */
readonly stateChange: Listener<State>
No connection to server or peers.
Next state will be LOBBY
or to fail.
We are now connected to the lobby. Now, listening to Client
s connect and waiting to make or join a group.
interface Client {
/** Name of this client. */
readonly name: Name
/** Activated when a initiating a new group. Closed when client leaves. */
readonly proposals: Listener<{
/** The other members in this group, including me. */
members: Client[]
/** Function to accept or reject the group, not present if you created the group */
action?(accept: boolean): void
/** Activated with the Client who just accepted the group proposal. Deactivates when someone rejects. */
ack: Listener<Client>
* Whether this client represents you in the lobby.
* When false this is another client and proposals are initiated by them.
readonly isYou: boolean
The first client to connect is always "you".
The p2p
instance provides a Listener to find new clients and a proposeGroup
method which takes a list of clients to group with.
class P2P {
/** Activated when a client joins the lobby. */
readonly lobbyConnection: SafeListener<SimpleClient>
/** Propose a group with other clients connected to this lobby. */
proposeGroup(...members: SimpleClient[]): void
/** Whether a group with the following memebers has been proposed or answered. */
groupExists(...members: SimpleClient[]): boolean
Which can be used to find clients and monitor when they propose, accept or reject groups or leave the lobby.
async function bindClientProposals(client: Client) {
for await (const { members, ack, action } of client.proposals) {
const groupName = members.map(client => client.name).join(', ') + ' & you'
console.log('Group proposed for ', groupName)
this.bindProposalAcks(groupName, ack)
if (action) // not present if I created the group
action(confirm('Want to join group with ' + groupName))
console.log(client.name, 'has left the lobby')
async function bindProposalAcks(groupName: string, ack: Listener<Client>) {
try {
for await (const client of ack)
console.log(client.name, 'accepted invitation with', groupName)
} catch (err) {
if (err.client) // if present, this is the client who rejected
console.error(err, err.client.name, 'rejected invitation to group with', groupName)
console.error(err, 'Group closed with', groupName)
for await (const client of p2p.lobbyConnection) {
console.log(client.name, 'has joined the lobby')
Next state will be LOADING
if group is made or OFFLINE
if kicked from server for inactivity.
Happens once every client accepts the group. Time to create direct P2P connections with everyone who accepted
Next state will be READY
if successful or fail if a direct connection with all isn't made.
The direct connections with peers are set and we can now broadcast messages and generate random numbers together.
interface Peer<T extends string | ArrayBuffer | Blob> {
/** Name of the new peer. */
readonly name: Name
/** Send data to activate the `message` listener for the peer. */
send(data: T): void
/** Activates when a message is received for this peer. Cancels once the connection is closed. */
readonly message: Listener<T>
* Whether this peer represents a "connection" to you.
* When false this is another peer and data is sent through the wire.
readonly isYou: boolean
/** Close the connection with this peer. */
close(): void;
The peers
member in the p2p
instance is now a list of Peer
s in a random order.
This order is consistent for all the peers though (Useful for turn based applications).
The p2p
instance also provides the broadcast
& random
helper functions.
class P2P<T extends ArrayBuffer | string | Blob> {
/** The peers who's connections are still open */
readonly peers: Peer<T>[]
* Generates a random number in [0,1). Same as Math.random()
* If `isInt` is true, than a integer in range [-2 ** 31, 2 ** 31) is generated.
* This value will be the same across all the other connected peers.
random(isInt?: boolean): number
/** Send data to all connected peers. Including you by default */
broadcast(data: T, includeSelf?: boolean): void
async function bindPeerMessages(peer: Peer) {
try {
for await (const data of peer.message)
console.log(peer.name, 'sent', data)
} catch (err) {
console.log('Closed direct connection with', peer.name)
for (const peer of p2p.peers)
- Test RTC possibility before starting server connection
- Support trickle ICE
- Improve peer lib
is messes with buffer - Undo https://github.com/mothepro/fancy-p2p/commit/527da616bf1982bac84ed66f55d3295df8074ff1 ??