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A module for adding mapfit to a project using data attributes
Add to project
yarn add @morsedigital/mapfit
Add to javascript
import MapFit from '@morsedigital/mapfit';
MapFit('[Mapfit api key]');
Basic setup
<div class="map-holder map-holder--static">
<div id="map-fit" class="map-fit" data-markers="[marker data]" data-map="true" data-custom-icon="{icon data}" data-zoom="12" >
data-zoom : integer - sets zoom level
data-center : [lat, lng] - sets map center
data-static : boolean - removes buttons and movement options
data-custom-icon : Object: {anchor: [n, n], height: n, width: n, url:image_path}
data-markers : Array: [
marker: {
position: [lat, lng]
placeInfo: {
content: 'html for placeholder',
title: 'Title of place', // Will not show if content there
description: 'Description of place', // Will not show if content there
directionsBtn: boolean // Show direction button - will not show if content there.
data-markers-url : String: Path to markers json.
Notes on Ajax call
Json should remain in the same structure as data-markers:
Array: [
marker: {
position: [lat, lng]
placeInfo: {
content: 'html for placeholder',
title: 'Title of place', // Will not show if content there
description: 'Description of place', // Will not show if content there
directionsBtn: boolean // Show direction button - will not show if content there.
The json is used with fetch api. If your supporting browsers that don't support fetch it is suggested to use whatwg-fetch
If using webpack & babel suggest using the following:
// Loads Fetch pollyfill
const loadFetchPollyFill = ()=>import(/* webpackChunkName: "whatwg-fetch" */ 'whatwg-fetch');
if (!('fetch' in window)){
N.B. Remember to add https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import/ if using babel.
Bug reports
If you discover any bugs, feel free to create an issue on GitHub. Please add as much information as possible to help us fixing the possible bug. We also encourage you to help even more by forking and sending us a pull request.
If you'd like to contribute, Mapfit is written using rollup & babel.
Please make sure any additional code should be covered in tests (Jest)
If you need to run the test please use:
yarn test
or to rebuild the JS run:
yarn build
Adrian Stainforth (https://github.com/djforth)
@morsedigital/mapfit is an open source project falling under the MIT License. By using, distributing, or contributing to this project, you accept and agree that all code within the URLParser project are licensed under MIT license.