The ExpressMongooseTS Boilerplate Generator is a versatile CLI tool designed to streamline the process of setting up boilerplate code, endpoints, and project structure for applications built using Express.js, Mongoose, and TypeScript. With a focus on deve
Zeen is a versatile Command Line Interface (CLI) tool designed to streamline project setup and development workflows for Express, MongoDB, and TypeScript projects. With Zeen, you can effortlessly create custom endpoints, controllers, and models using TypeScript, simplifying your CLI development process.
Table Of Contents
- Generate boilerplate code for Express, MongoDB, and TypeScript projects.
- Create endpoints, controllers, services, models, etc.
- Streamline your project setup and development workflow.
You can install Zeen globally using npm:
npm install -g @monterourena/zeen
Base Classes
Endpoints generated by Zeen make use of a base router, base controller, base model, base service, and, base routes. All these base classes can be generated for your project using the following command:
zeen base
Zeen allows you to quickly generate endpoints and other project components. To create a new endpoint, use the following command:
zeen endpoint <name>
This will generate the necessary files for a new endpoint with the specified name. Example:
zeen endpoint user
This will generate:
- user.controller.ts
- user.d.ts
- user.model.ts
- user.router.ts
- user.service.ts
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.