Mondrian CLI is a command line tool to help you detect breaking changes on your GraphQL and OpenAPI schemas.
Mondrian CLI
Mondrian CLI is a command line tool to help you detect breaking changes on your GraphQL and OpenAPI schemas.
Some functionality of this CLI is also available on our CI Tools which is a free service to help you detect breaking changes on your GraphQL and OpenAPI schemas.
Just install it globally using npm:
npm install -g @mondrian-framework/cli
mondrian -h
GraphQL Diff
Compare two GraphQL schemas and detect any breaking changes between them.
mondrian gql-diff -h
Usage: mondrian gql-diff [options]
Detect any breaking changes between two GraphQL schemas
--previous-schema <value> previous GraphQL schema (endpoint, filename or schema)
--current-schema <value> current GraphQL schema (endpoint, filename or schema)
--previous-schema-headers <value> headers to use on previous schema download. Example: '{ "auth": "Bearer ..." }'
--current-schema-headers <value> headers to use on current schema download. Example: '{ "auth": "Bearer ..." }'
--fail-on-breaking-changes <value> 'true' or 'false'. if 'true' breaking changes will return 1 as exit code. default is 'true'
-h, --help display help for command
mondrian gql-diff \
--previous-schema http://localhost:4000/graphql \
--current-schema http://localhost:4001/graphql
"breakingChanges": 1,
"info": [
"criticality": {
"level": "BREAKING",
"reason": "Adding a required input field to an existing input object type is a breaking change because it will cause existing uses of this input object type to error."
"message": "Input field 'addedField' of type 'String!' was added to input object type 'LoginInput'",
"meta": {
"inputName": "LoginInput",
"addedInputFieldName": "addedField",
"isAddedInputFieldTypeNullable": false,
"addedInputFieldType": "String!"
"path": "LoginInput.addedField"
"breakingChanges": 0,
"info": []
OAS Diff
mondrian oas-diff -h
Usage: mondrian oas-diff [options]
Detect any breaking changes between two OpenApi specifications
--previous-schema <value> previous OpenAPI schema (endpoint, filename or schema)
--current-schema <value> current OpenAPI schema (endpoint, filename or schema)
--previous-schema-headers <value> headers to use on previous schema download. Example: '{ "auth": "Bearer ..." }'
--current-schema-headers <value> headers to use on current schema download. Example: '{ "auth": "Bearer ..." }'
--fail-on-breaking-changes <value> 'true' or 'false'. if 'true' breaking changes will return 1 as exit code. default is 'true'
-h, --help display help for command
mondrian oas-diff \
--previous-schema http://localhost:4000/openapi/v1/schema.json \
--current-schema http://localhost:4001/openapi/v1/schema.json
"breakingChanges": 1,
"info": {
"reportSummary": {
"components": {
"totalChanges": 2,
"breakingChanges": 1
"CreatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"UpdatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"commitDetails": {
"CreatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"UpdatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"commitHash": "16e079",
"message": "New: /tmp/09fee2a3-99a0-40f1-943e-21374634fab7.json, Original: /tmp/a7de4c68-d58b-44cf-adab-5a9fe0f23fdd.json",
"author": "",
"authorEmail": "",
"committed": "2024-01-16T10:14:37.642229+01:00",
"changeReport": {
"components": {
"schemas": {
"LoginInput": {
"changes": [
"context": {
"newLine": 1,
"newColumn": 18067
"change": 2,
"property": "required",
"new": "addedField",
"breaking": true
"context": {
"newLine": 1,
"newColumn": 18167
"change": 3,
"property": "properties",
"new": "addedField",
"breaking": false
"breakingChanges": 0,
"info": {
"message": "No changes found between specifications"