Angular directive to show vote totals - accepted, rejected, abstaining, totals etc.
Simple UI widget to show and calculate vote tallies.
NOTE: This module requires angular-bs-tooltip
- Grab the NPM
npm install --save @momsfriendlydevco/vote-tally
- Install the required script + CSS somewhere in your build chain or include it in a HTML header:
<script src="/libs/vote-tally/dist/votetally.min.js"/>
<link href="/libs/vote-tally/dist/vote-tally.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- Include the router in your main
var app = angular.module('app', ['angular-ui-vote-tally'])
- Use somewhere in your template:
<vote-tally total="100" approve="40" reject="20" abstain="10" method="2/3rds" summary="true"></vote-tally>
A demo is also available. To use this follow the instructions in the demo directory.
vote-tally exposes two main components: a generic service library which provides a list of voting schemas supported and information on voting methods and the UI component itself.
Within Node the API is accessed as an object:
var voteTally = require('@momsfriendlydevco/vote-tally');
// Calculate 2/3rds majority voting method with 100 people and 10 abstaining
var ratio = voteTally.getWinLose({
method: '2/3rds',
total: 100,
abstain: 10,
Within AngularJS this is accessed as a service:
.component('myController', {
controller: function(VoteTally) {
An array of objects for all supported voting methods.
Each item will contain an id
as well as a human readable title
and a brief description
Calculate the ratios for a given voting method given the total number of voters and an optional number of voters abstaining.
// Calculate 2/3rds majority voting method with 100 people and 10 abstaining
var ratio = voteTally.getWinLose({
method: '2/3rds',
total: 100,
abstain: 10,
UI Component
The UI widget is a AngularJS component which is declared as:
<vote-tally total="100" approve="30" reject="20" abstain="5" method="simpleMajority" summary="true" tooltips="hover"></vote-tally>
The following options are accepted:
| Option | Type | Default | Description |
| method
| string
| "simpleMajority"
| The voting method used to calculate the target votes. This can be any ID supported in the methods
collection |
| total
| number
| 100
| The total number of voters |
| approve
| number
| 0
| The number of voters who accept the motion |
| reject
| number
| 0
| The number of voters who reject the motion |
| abstain
| number
| 0
| The number of voters who are abstaining |
| summary
| boolean
| false
| Whether to show the summary area at the bottom of the widget |
| tooltips
| string
| "hover"
| When to display tooltips. Values supported: "never"
, "hover"
(default), "always"
| onClickPass
| function
| undefined
| A function to fire when the user clicks on the X / Y to pass
summary pane or the far left progress bar |
| onClickReject
| function
| undefined
| A function to fire when the user clicks on the X / Y to reject
summary pane or the second to far right progress bar |
| onClickAbstain
| function
| undefined
| A function to fire when the user clicks on the X abstaining
summary pane or the far right progress bar |
| onClickWaiting
| function
| undefined
| A function to fire when the user clicks on the X to vote
summary pane or the remaining area of the progress bar |