Axios with auto-retry, logging and sensible error reporting
A simple wrapper around Axios which adds some additional features:
- Auto-retry on all outgoing requests - configure further by setting raxConfig
- Simple logging for outgoing, retry and errored requests via @MomsFriendlyDevCo/Debug
- New error reporting class
which includes (sane) error reporting + doesn't spew a giant recursive object to the console if you just log it - Log request / response to disk with a simple boolean (also adjustable via environment variable
This module mutates the global Axios instance so it needs to be included once to function.
Method #0 - Update package.json to hot swap axios
for this NPM
"imports": {
"axios": "@momsfriendlydevco/axiosy"
Method #1 - Inject into global Axios instance
import axios from 'axios';
import {inject} from '@momsfriendlydevco/axiosy';
inject(); // Inject into global object
// Can now use `Axios` with above features
Method #2 - Use the packages, already injected version of Axios
import axios from '@momsfriendlydevco/axiosy';
// Can now use `Axios` with above features
Method #3 - Inject into a instanced version of Axios
import axios from 'axios';
import {inject} from '@momsfriendlydevco/axiosy';
let myAxios = inject(axios.create()); // Add to instanced object
// myAxios is now a private, injected version of Axios
This library follows the default Axios Request schema and returns the default Axios Response except for the following additions.
Log the outgoing request to the console. Enabled by default. Set to falsy to disable. If truhty (but not an object), will default to the following options:
| Option | Type | Default | Description |
| request
| Boolean
| true
| Log requests to console |
| response
| Boolean
| false
| Log responses to console |
NOTE: Setting the environment variable DEBUG=axiosy
enables both of the above for anything using the library.
Write the request / response objects to disk for this request.
This can be a simple true
to enable both behaiours (which uses all defaults) or an object containing any of the following:
| Option | Type | Default | Description |
| request
| Boolean
| true
| Write the request to disk |
| requestPath
| Function
| | Where to store the request, called as (request)
. Default is to store in OS temp directory + some request details |
| requestFormat
| Function
| | Mutate the incoming raw AxiosRequest before saving. Called as (AxiosRequest)
| response
| Boolean
| true
| Write the response to disk |
| responseStack
| Boolean
| true
| Omit response line if no other request has occured since |
| responsePath
| Function
| | Where to store the response, called as (response)
. Default is to store in OS temp directory + some request details |
| responseFormat
| Function
| | Mutate the incoming raw AxiosResponse before saving. Called as (AxiosResponse)
| formatter
| Function
| | Geneal JSON to string formatter, defaults to tabbed output |
Axios-Retry options.
These default to the following unless overridden per-request or by editing AxiosInstance.defaults.raxConfig
instance.defaults.raxConfig = {
retry: 5, // Retry 5 times on requests that return a response (500, etc) before giving up. Defaults to 3.
noResponseRetries: 5, // Retry 5 times on errors that don't return a response (ENOTFOUND, ETIMEDOUT, etc).
statusCodesToRetry: [[100, 199], [400, 499], [500, 599]], // Retry everything except 2?? (OK), 3?? (redirect) codes
backoffType: 'exponential',