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Collection of top level page components for use in MOLGENIS interface
- Page component (Renders full MOLGENIS page and handles comunication with server via 'context' endpoint)
- Cookie wall
- Header component
- Footer compoment
- Use yarn/npm to include the @molgenis-ui-context module
- Include sticky-footer.css when using PageComponent or FooterComponent
- Include boostrap, jquery and poppers.js if you want to use the bootstrap navbar ( included in the page)
- How to include using vue cli 3 https://developpaper.com/using-jquery-and-bootstrap-in-vue-cli-3-0/
You can use this library in 2 different ways. You use the source components from ui-context.
<p>I am a MOLGENIS page with, header and footer</p>
- Header component (Allows for more controller passing in menu and settings as props)
- Header image component
- Navbar
- Footer compoment (Allows for more controller passing settings as props)
- Cookie wall
HeaderImageComponent may also be used as separate components Please be sure to build your project and include the peer dependencies (check installation).
The second way is to import the umd's, but Vue and the peer dependencies are packaged as well. This means you have to import the umd modules in a separate Vue in the page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.3.6/require.js"></script>
baseUrl: '/@molgenis-ui/context/dist/'
requirejs(["context.umd", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/vue.js"], function(context, Vue) {
new Vue({
render: createElement => {
const propsData = {
props: {
molgenisMenu: {
menu: ${menu},
<#if app_settings.logoTopHref??>topLogo: '${app_settings.logoTopHref}', </#if>
<#if app_settings.logoTopHref??>topLogoMaxHeight: ${app_settings.logoTopMaxHeight}, </#if>
<#if app_settings.logoNavBarHref?has_content>navBarLogo: '${app_settings.logoNavBarHref}', </#if>
<#if plugin_id??>selectedPlugin: '${plugin_id}', </#if>
authenticated: ${authenticated?c},
loginHref: '/login',
helpLink: {
label: 'Help',
href: 'https://molgenis.gitbooks.io/molgenis/content/'
return createElement(context.default.HeaderComponent, propsData);
If you use Vuex, the fetchContext
action will retrieve the values for the component props from the context API.
It returns a promise that resolves when the context has been fetched.
import { store } from '@molgenis/molgenis-ui-context'
const store = new Vuex.Store(store)
Once fetched, the context will be available in store.state.context
The getters map the context to the props, i.e. the molgenisMenu
prop to set on the HeaderComponent
can be retrieved from store.getters.molgenisMenu
If you already have a store, you can combine the context store with your own store as a vuex module.
Details changes for each release are documented in the CHANGELOG.md.
Page Component
Combination of 'Cookie wall', 'Header component' and 'Footer compoment'. Emits 'contextLoaded' event containing contextData when data is returned from backend.
Header component
Sticky header that contains HeaderImageComponent and Navbar. Takes a MOLGENIS menu object as property and renders a menu and top logo image (if set MOLGENIS menu object). Header is fixed at the top of the page).
Footer compoment
Sticky footer, takes a MOLGENIS footer object as property and renders a footer. Footers is rendered at the botom of the window and pushed down by the content.
Cookie wall
Shows cookie warning if 'permissionforcookies' cookie is not set. If user accepts cookies the 'permissionforcookies' is set.
Page layout
| page |
| ------------------------------------ |
| | sticky-header | |
| | ------------------------------- | |
| | | header-image | | |
| | | | | |
| | ------------------------------- | |
| | ------------------------------- | |
| | | nav-bar | | |
| | ------------------------------- | |
| ------------------------------------ |
| ------------------------------------ |
| | content | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ------------------------------------ |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |footer | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ------------------------------------ |
Project setup
yarn install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn run build
The default build target is set to build the all tlhe components as library
Run your tests
yarn run test
Lints and fixes files
yarn run lint
Run your end-to-end tests
yarn run test:e2e
Run your unit tests
yarn run test:unit
Customize configuration
How to commit
We use conventional commits to generate changelogs and release notes. Please check: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/
git commit file.ext -m "fix(file.ext): fixes something"
How to publish
Each time a PR is merged a release will be done to NPM. The CHANGELOG.md and GitHub release will be ammended.
The version of the package is based upon convential commits. Check: http://commitizen.github.io/cz-cli/.