Mojaloop auditing client library
Mojaloop Auditing Client Library
This library provides implementations for the IAuditClient interface defined in @mojaloop/auditing-bc-public-types-lib
How to create the audit client and use it your code
const AUDIT_KEY_FILE_PATH = "./tmp_key_file";
const IN_DEVELOPMENT_ENV = true;
// Get an ILogger - from @mojaloop/logging-bc-public-types-lib (or @mojaloop/logging-bc-client-lib)
const logger:ILogger = new DefaultLogger(BC_NAME, APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, LogLevel.DEBUG);
// If in dev mode try to create a tmp key file if one is not found
if (!existsSync(AUDIT_KEY_FILE_PATH)) {
if (!IN_DEVELOPMENT_ENV) process.exit(9);
// create a tmp key file - NEVER IN PRODUCTION
LocalAuditClientCryptoProvider.createRsaPrivateKeyFileSync(AUDIT_KEY_FILE_PATH, 2048);
// Create a child logger for the auditClient component
const auditLogger = logger.createChild("AuditLogger");
// auditLogger.init() // if using a logger like KafkaLogger make sure it is initialised
// Create an IAuditClientCryptoProvider using the LocalAuditClientCryptoProvider implementation
const cryptoProvider = new LocalAuditClientCryptoProvider(AUDIT_KEY_FILE_PATH);
// Create an IAuditClientDispatcher using the KafkaAuditClientDispatcher implementation
const auditDispatcher = new KafkaAuditClientDispatcher(kafkaProducerOptions, KAFKA_AUDITS_TOPIC, auditLogger);
// Create and initialise the actual auditClient instance
const auditClient:IAuditClient = new AuditClient(BC_NAME, APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, cryptoProvider, auditDispatcher);
await auditClient.init();
How to create audit entries
Simple audit entries
// examples of how to create entries
// the simplest form for a successful action called "CreateAccount"
await auditClient.audit("CreateAccount", true);
// the simplest form for an unsuccessful try of the same action
await auditClient.audit("CreateAccount", false);
Audit entries with a security context
// passing a security context (this should be obtained from the service application that calls the domain code)
const secCtx: AuditSecurityContext = {
userId: "userid",
appId: null,
role: "role"
await auditClient.audit("ApproveParticipant", true, secCtx);
How to include extra information in audit entries - labels
This is the structure of labels
export declare type AuditEntryLabel = {
key: string;
value: string;
encryptionKeyId?: string;
Creat the entry like this for cleartext content
// adding meaningful data to the audit entry - called labels
await auditClient.audit("ApproveParticipant", true, secCtx, [{
key: "participantId",
value: "123"
How to include encrypted (sensible) data in the extra information of audit entries
await auditClient.audit("ApproveParticipant", true, secCtx, [{
key: "participantId",
encryptionKeyId: "key_fingerprint"
How to extend this library and provide other Cryptography and Dispatcher implementations?
This client uses IAuditClientCryptoProvider to abstract the get signature and get fingerprint cryptographic functions and IAuditClientDispatcher to abstract the sending of the audit entries.
Different implementations of those interfaces might be provided to the AuditClient in the constructor.
Note: Make sure the cryptographic implementation matches the service component cryptographic implementation.
How to create RSA private and public keys without password
These keys should be injected to the authentication-svc, or at this early stage put in the test_keys directory
Create an RSA certificate
openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
Extract public certificate from private certificate
openssl rsa -pubout -in private.pem -out public.pem
Key Fingerprints
Use openssl to get private key fingerprint:
openssl pkcs8 -in 2_private.pem -inform PEM -outform DER -topk8 -nocrypt | openssl sha1
Use openssl to get public key fingerprint:
openssl pkey -pubin -in public.pem -pubout -inform PEM -outform DER | openssl sha1
Install Node version
More information on how to install NVM: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
nvm install
nvm use
Install Dependencies
npm install
npm run build
npm run start
Unit Tests
npm run test:unit