Work with A1 notation like "A1" or "A1:B2"
A1 notation
This library is for working with A1 notations such as "A1" or "A1:B2". The library exported as a UMD module.
npm i @flighter/a1-notation -d
yarn add @flighter/a1-notation
With object: ES5(76 KB), ES5.min(26 KB), ESNext(21 KB), ESNext.min(6 KB), UMD(21 KB)
Without object: ES5(68 KB), ES5.min(23 KB), ESNext(16 KB), ESNext.min(4 KB), UMD(16 KB)
What is the difference?
- "with object" or "without object"? A1 constructor can take an object as an argument - it's a version "with object". So, "without object" is when a constructor can't take an object as an argument.
- converter 1 or converter 2? The difference is in the algorithm of convertation. You can compare the first method with the second method.
- "ES5" or "ESNext"? ES5 has already converted to ES5 standard with all needed polyfills. ESNext uses the original syntax of the code.
- "UMD"? UMD - Unified Module Definition, more in Google.
- ".min"? Minified version.
- Default version in npm is UMD ESNext "with object". This version is not transpiled and minified, so you need to transpile and minify it.
import A1 from '@flighter/a1-notation';
// or
const A1 = require('@flighter/a1-notation');
Note: A1 string could be represented in any register. A1 === a1
, A1:B2 === a1:b2 === A1:b2 === a1:B2
static isValid
// static isValid(a1: string): boolean
* Checks A1 notation.
// Example
A1.isValid('A1'); // true
A1.isValid('A1:B2');// true
A1.isValid('aaaaa');// false
static getCol
// static getCol(a1: string, converter: 1 | 2 = 1): number
* Converts the first column letter from A1 to number.
// Example
A1.getCol('A1'); // 1
A1.getCol('A1:B2');// 1
A1.getCol('aaaaa');// Error
static getLastCol
// static getLastCol(a1: string, converter: 1 | 2 = 1): number
* Converts the last column letter from A1 to number.
// Example
A1.getLastCol('A1'); // 1
A1.getLastCol('A1:B2');// 2
A1.getLastCol('aaaaa');// Error
static toCol
// static toCol(col: number): string
* Converts number to column letter in A1.
// Example
A1.toCol(1); // 'A'
A1.toCol('A1');// Error
static getRow
// static getRow(a1: string): number
* Converts the first row string to number.
// Example
A1.getRow('A1'); // 1
A1.getRow('A1:B2');// 1
A1.getRow('aaaaa');// Error
static getLastRow
// static getLastRow(a1: string): number
* Converts the last row string to number.
// Example
A1.getLastRow('A1'); // 1
A1.getLastRow('A1:B2');// 1
A1.getLastRow('aaaaa');// Error
static toRow
// static toRow(row: number): string
* Converts number to row string in A1.
// Example
A1.toRow(1); // '1'
A1.toRow('A1');// Error
static getWidth
// static getWidth(a1: string, converter: 1 | 2 = 1): number
* Returns columns count.
// Example
A1.getWidth('A1'); // 1
A1.getWidth('A1:B2');// 2
A1.getWidth('aaaaa');// Error
static getHeight
// static getHeight(a1: string): number
* Returns rows count.
// Example
A1.getHeight('A1'); // 1
A1.getHeight('A1:B2');// 2
A1.getHeight('aaaaa');// Error
// constructor(object: options) - in version "with object"
// constructor(range: string)
// constructor(rangeStart: string, rangeEnd: string)
// constructor(col: number, row: number)
// constructor(col: number, row: number, nRows: number)
// constructor(col: number, row: number, nRows: number, nCols: number)
* options:
* {
* colStart?: string | number,
* rowStart?: string | number,
* colEnd?: string | number,
* rowEnd?: string | number,
* a1Start?: string,
* a1End?: string,
* nCols?: number,// how many cols in total (cols length)
* nRows?: number,// how many rows in total (rows length)
* converter?: 1 | 2,
* }
// Example (supported now):
new A1('A1'); // A1:A1
new A1('A1:B2'); // A1:B2
new A1('A1', 'B2'); // A1:B2
new A1(1, 1); // A1:A1
new A1(1, 1, 2); // A1:A2
new A1(1, 1, 2, 2); // A1:B2
// A1:A1
new A1({
a1Start: 'A1',
// A1:B2
new A1({
a1Start: 'A1', a1End: 'B2',
// A1:A1
new A1({
colStart: 'A', rowStart: '1',
// A1:A1
new A1({
colStart: 1, rowStart: 1,
// A1:A2
new A1({
colStart: 1, rowStart: 1, nRows: 2,
// A1:B1
new A1({
colStart: 1, rowStart: 1, nCols: 2,
// A1:B2
new A1({
colStart: 1, rowStart: 1, nRows: 2, nCols: 2,
// A1:B1
new A1({
colStart: 'A', rowStart: '1', colEnd: 'B',
// A1:B1
new A1({
colStart: 1, rowStart: 1, colEnd: 2,
// A1:A2
new A1({
colStart: 'A', rowStart: '1', rowEnd: '2',
// A1:A2
new A1({
colStart: 1, rowStart: 1, rowEnd: 2,
// A1:B2
new A1({
colStart: 'A', rowStart: '1', colEnd: 'B', rowEnd: '2',
// A1:B2
new A1({
colStart: 1, rowStart: 1, colEnd: 2, rowEnd: 2,
// get(): string
* Returns string in A1 notation.
// Example
new A1('A1').get(); // 'A1'
new A1('A1:B2').get();// 'A1:B2'
// toString(): string
* Returns string in A1 notation.
// Example
new A1('A1').toString(); // 'A1'
new A1('A1:B2').toString();// 'A1:B2'
// toJSON(): result
* result:
* {
* colStart: number,
* rowStart: number,
* colEnd: number,
* rowEnd: number,
* a1: string,
* rowsCount: number,
* colsCount: number,
* }
* Returns a full information about range.
// Example
new A1('A1').toJSON();
* {
* colStart: 1,
* rowStart: 1,
* colEnd: 1,
* rowEnd: 1,
* a1: 'A1',
* rowsCount: 1,
* colsCount: 1,
* }
new A1('A1:B2').toJSON();
* {
* colStart: 1,
* rowStart: 1,
* colEnd: 2,
* rowEnd: 2,
* a1: 'A1:B2',
* rowsCount: 2,
* colsCount: 2,
* }
// getCol(): number
* Returns the first column.
// Example
new A1('A1').getCol(); // 1
new A1('A1:B2').getCol();// 1
// getLastCol(): number
* Returns the last column.
// Example
new A1('A1').getLastCol(); // 1
new A1('A1:B2').getLastCol();// 2
// getRow(): number
* Returns the first row.
// Example
new A1('A1').getRow(); // 1
new A1('A1:B2').getRow();// 1
// getLastRow(): number
* Returns the last row.
// Example
new A1('A1').getLastRow(); // 1
new A1('A1:B2').getLastRow();// 2
// getWidth(): number
* Returns columns count.
// Example
new A1('A1').getWidth(); // 1
new A1('A1:B2').getWidth();// 2
// getHeight(): number
* Returns rows count.
// Example
new A1('A1').getHeight(); // 1
new A1('A1:B2').getHeight();// 2
// copy(): A1
* Returns a copy of this object.
// Example
new A1('A1').copy(); // instance of A1
new A1('A1:B2').copy();// instance of A1
// addX(count: number): this
* Adds N cells to range along the x-axis.
* if count >= 0 - adds to right.
* if count < 0 - adds to left.
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
count < 0 +---+---+---+ count >= 0
<------------- | 4 | 5 | 6 | ------------->
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
// Example
new A1('A1').addX(1); // A1:B1
new A1('A1:B2').addX(-1);// A1:B2
new A1('C1:E1').addX(-1);// B1:E1
// addY(count: number): this
* Adds N cells to range along the y-axis.
* if count >= 0 - adds to bottom.
* if count < 0 - adds to top.
| count < 0
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
| count >= 0
// Example
new A1('A1').addY(1); // A1:A2
new A1('A1:B2').addY(-1);// A1:B2
new A1('A3:B4').addY(-1);// A2:B4
// add(countX: number, countY: number): this
* Adds N cells to range along the x/y-axis.
// Example
new A1('A1').add(1, 1); // A1:B2
new A1('A1:B2').add(-1, -1);// A1:B2
new A1('A3:B4').add(-1, -1);// A2:B4
new A1('C3:E5').add(-1, -1);// B2:E5
new A1('C3:E5').add(-1, 1); // B3:E6
new A1('C3:E5').add(1, -1); // C2:F5
// removeX(count: number): this
* Removes N cells from range along the x-axis.
* if count >= 0 - removes from right.
* if count < 0 - removes from left.
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
count < 0 +---+---+---+ count >= 0
-------------> | 4 | 5 | 6 | <-------------
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
// Example
new A1('A1').removeX(1); // A1:A1
new A1('A1:B2').removeX(-1);// B1:B2
new A1('B3:C4').removeX(-1);// C3:C4
// removeY(count: number): this
* Removes N cells from range along the y-axis.
* if count >= 0 - removes from bottom.
* if count < 0 - removes from top.
| count < 0
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
| count >= 0
// Example
new A1('A1').removeY(1); // A1:A1
new A1('A1:B2').removeY(-1);// A2:B2
new A1('B3:C4').removeY(-1);// B4:C4
// remove(countX: number, countY: number): this
* Removes N cells from range along the x/y-axis.
// Example
new A1('A1').remove(1, 1); // A1:A1
new A1('A1:B2').remove(-1, -1);// B2:B2
new A1('A3:B4').remove(-1, -1);// B4:B4
new A1('C3:E5').remove(-1, -1);// D4:E5
new A1('C3:E5').remove(-1, 1); // D3:E4
new A1('C3:E5').remove(1, -1); // C4:D5
// shiftX(offset: number): this
* Shifts the range along the x-axis.
* If offset >= 0 - shifts to right.
* If offset < 0 - shifts to left.
<------------ | 1 | 2 | 3 | ------------>
offset < 0 | 4 | 5 | 6 | offset >= 0
<------------ | 7 | 8 | 9 | ------------>
// Example
new A1('A1').shiftX(1); // B1:B1
new A1('A1:B2').shiftX(-1);// A1:B2
new A1('B3:C4').shiftX(-1);// A3:B4
// shiftY(offset: number): this
* Shifts the range along the y-axis.
* If offset >= 0 - shifts to bottom.
* If offset < 0 - shifts to top.
^ ^
offset < 0 | |
| |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
| |
offset >= 0 | |
˅ ˅
// Example
new A1('A1').shiftY(1); // A2:A2
new A1('A1:B2').shiftY(-1);// A1:B2
new A1('B3:C4').shiftY(-1);// B2:C3
// shift(offsetX: number, offsetY: number): this
* Shifts the range along the x/y-axis.
// Example
new A1('A1').shift(1, 1); // B2:B2
new A1('A1:B2').shift(-1, -1);// A1:B2
new A1('A3:B4').shift(-1, -1);// A2:B3
new A1('C3:E5').shift(-1, -1);// B2:D4
new A1('C3:E5').shift(-1, 1); // B4:D6
new A1('C3:E5').shift(1, -1); // D2:F4