tools for mobile devices
What is Scroll-Picker
Scroll-Picker is a tool for WEB mobile application, will provide a wheel-like picker, user can scroll the items and pick the target item.
Build in Web Component, No dependency!
A mobile select tool, build with native js without any third-party dependency.
Web Component, easy to use in any projects.
No colums limitation, you can use it in your case.
Theme and cusumize color config support.
Method1 tag import:
<script src="/path/to/scroll-picker.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Method2 npm install:
npm i @mobiletools/scrollpicker -S
After install from NPM but you still need import scroll-picker.js file to your project.
Getting Started
Single colum demo
<scroll-picker id="test1" title="Day">
<button>day picker</button>
const ele1 = document.querySelector("#test1");
setTimeout(() => {
ele1.colums = [
{ id: "1", value: "Sunday" },
{ id: "2", value: "Monday" },
{ id: "3", value: "Tuesday" },
{ id: "4", value: "Wensday" },
{ id: "5", value: "Thursday" },
{ id: "6", value: "Friday" },
{ id: "7", value: "Saturday" },
}, 2000);
Mutil-colum scroll picker
<scroll-picker id="test2" title="选择日期" stopoverlaycancel="true">
<button>date picker</button>
const ele = document.querySelector("#test2");
setTimeout(() => {
ele.colums = [
{ id: "1", value: "2019" },
{ id: "2", value: "2020" },
{ id: "3", value: "2021" },
...new Array(12)
.map((v, i) => ({ id: `${i + 4}`, value: i + 1 })),
...new Array(30)
.map((v, i) => ({ id: `${i + 16}`, value: i + 1 })),
ele.options = {
theme: "dark",
confirmText: "Confirm",
cancelText: "Cancel",
}, 2000);
How does it works
After you add scroll-picker to the dom, it will listen on the click event, once user click the scroll-picker or the inner stuff, it will trigger the show function to show the picker.
And this logic is handled inside the component, user don't need pay attention.
| Name | Default | Type | Description | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | title | No default value | String | The title of the scroll picker | | colums | Required parameter. No default value | Array | The data displayed on the wheel | | stopoverlaycancel | false | Boolean | The flag control the scroll picker over close the current scroll picker or not | | options | No default value | Object | The options to help setup the scroll picker, can configure title, colums and style | | theme | dark | String | The settings for the scroll picker theme, can choose light or dark | | cancelText | Cancel | String | The text display on the cancel button | | confirmText | Confirm | String | The text display on the confirm button |
| Name | Default | Type | Description | | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | title | No default value | String | The title of the scroll picker | | colums | Required parameter. No default value | Array | The data displayed on the wheel | | theme | dark | String | The settings for the scroll picker theme, can choose light or dark | | containerBackgroundColor | dark:'rgba(45, 52, 61, .9)', light: 'rgba(210, 210, 210, .9)' | String | color for scroll picker container | | panelBackground | dark: '#2D343D', light: '#99A6B5' | String | color for panel background | | panelHeaderBorderColor | dark:'#99A6B5', light: '#2D343D' | String | color for panel header border | | titleColor | dark:'#99A6B5', light: '#2D343D' | String | color for the scroll picker title | | confirmButtonColor | '#FFDF22' | String | color for the confirm button text | | cancelButtonColor | dark: '#99A6B5', light: '#2D343D' | String | color for the cancel button text | | focusBorderColor | '#FFDF22' | String | color for the center focus rectangle | | maskBackgroundColor | dark: 'rgb(45, 52, 61, .9)', light: 'rgb(200, 200, 200, .9)' | String | color for the mask background color | | cancelText | Cancel | String | The text display on the cancel button | | confirmText | Confirm | String | The text display on the confirm button |
For some of the options you can set the value on the tag, eg:
<scroll-picker id="test2" title="select date"></scroll-picker>
also you can set the value to the attribute, eg:
const ele = document.querySelector("#test2");
setTimeout(() => {
ele.title = "date picker";
}, 2000);
and you can set it in the options, eg:
const ele = document.querySelector("#test2");
setTimeout(() => {
ele.options = {
title: "date picker",
}, 2000);
All the configration can be setted by the options, Or by setting on the attribute.
Only title, stopoverlaycancel can set on the tag
show(): trigger show the picker. In real use case the show function should only be called by scroll-picker itself
hide(): trigger hide the picker. In real use case this hide function should only be called by scroll-pciker itself.
destory(): this function is for user remove the scroll-picker from dom after it's not needed.
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