Utility types for representing asynchronous state retrieval
This utility package contains data types we've found useful in a variety of situations for modelling asynchronous actions, particularly within Redux stores. This serves a more robust and type-safe model that more basic patterns we saw developing, such as having "loading" state be represented as a null/undefined value, or error states being represented as additional optional properties.
The 'top-level' type is Retrieval<T>
, which models one of several state:
- not retrieving anythingRetrieving
- currently getting dataSucceeded
- data was retrievedError
- an error occurred
Pattern: Getting Simple Data
Here, we make a simple outbound request that returns a boolean, using Redux. The state interface might be something like this:
import { Retrieval } from '@mixer/retrieval';
interface IMyState {
isCool: Retrieval<boolean>;
Then in your Reducer:
import { error, workingRetrieval, success } from '@mixer/retrieval';
switch (action.type) {
case getType(getCool.request):
return { ...state, isCool: workingRetrieval };
case getType(getCool.failure):
return { ...state, isCool: error(action.payload) /* IError */ };
case getType(getCool.success):
return { ...state, isCool: success(action.payload /* boolean */) };
You can then reduce out the state you care about, in a type-safe way. For instance, you could get the boolean if present, or return undefined if we're not sure yet:
const getIsCool = (state: IMyState): boolean | undefined =>
state.isCool.state === RetrievalState.Succeeded
? state.isCool.value
: undefined;
Pattern: Getting Paginated Data
Here's a pattern you might use if you're getting pages of data and use a continuation token to retrieve more. We store the known results as an array, and store the continuation token as a Retrieve
'd string.
import { Retrieval } from '@mixer/retrieval';
interface IMyState {
data: ReadonlyArray<IMyData>;
continuationToken: Retrieval<string | undefined>;
Then in your reducer:
import { error, workingRetrieval, success } from '@mixer/retrieval';
switch (action.type) {
case getType(getCool.request):
return { ...state, continuationToken: workingRetrieval };
case getType(getCool.failure):
return { ...state, continuationToken: error(action.payload /* IError */) };
case getType(getCool.success):
return {
continuationToken: success(action.payload.continuationToken),
data: state.data.concat(action.payload.results),
You can then select out various interesting facets from this set of data:
export const getIsLoading = (state: IMyState): boolean =>
state.continuationToken.value === RetrievalState.Loading;
export const getMightHaveMoreData = (state: IMyState): boolean => {
const ct = state.continuationToken;
return ct.state !== RetrievalState.Succeeded || !!ct.value;
Pattern: Updating Data
The idea here is that you keep a retrieval with your read data data, and then another as an indicator of your loading state.
import { Retrieval } from '@mixer/retrieval';
interface IMyState {
data: ReadonlyArray<IMyData>;
updating: Retrieval<void>;
Then in your reducer:
import { workingRetrieval, success } from '@mixer/retrieval';
switch (action.type) {
case getType(getData.request):
return { ...state, data: workingRetrieval };
case getType(getData.failure):
return { ...state, data: error(action.payload /* IError */) };
case getType(getData.success):
return { ...state, data: success(action.payload /* IMyData */) };
case getType(updateData.request):
return { ...state, updating: workingRetrieval };
case getType(updateData.failure):
return { ...state, updating: error(action.payload /* IError */) };
case getType(updateData.success):
return {
updating : success(),
// Then "apply" the changes to your data
data: state.data.state === RetrievalState.Success
? success(action.payload /* IMyData */)
: state.data