yarn add @solana/web3.js
Program IDs
| Program ID | Mainnet Public Key | Devnet Public Key | | ---------- | ------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | PSYFI_V2 | PSYFiYqguvMXwpDooGdYV6mju92YEbFobbvW617VNcq | 95q3X9ADJv5hWt93oSaPqABPnP1rqfmjgrnto9v83LPK | | PSYSTAKE | pSystkitWgLkzprdAvraP8DSBiXwee715wiSXGJe8yr | 5LrZkBFgDkFiKEePeT2N9VuKfd2k8Rrad9PG6mKGbCRk |
yarn add @mithraic-labs/psyfi-sdk
Publishing a new version
yarn publish --public
Vaults Information
const getVaultsInfo(isMainnet: boolean);
import { getVaultsInfo } from "psyfi-sdk";
const data = await getVaultsInfo(true);
Response Scheme
|-- vaults
|-- id: ID of the vault
|-- name: Name of the vault
|-- staking
|-- metadata
|-- isValuePerVaultToken: Price of each vault token
|-- stakePoolKey: Staking Key of vault tokens
|-- stakingApr: Annual percentage rate (0, 30, 60, 180, 360) days.
|-- poolRewards
|-- rewardTokensPerWeek: Amount of reward tokens given out by the vault each week.
|-- multiplier
|-- metadata
|-- usdValuePerRewardToken: Price of the reward token
|-- rewardInUsdPerYearPerRewardUnit: Number of unit rewards staker is eligible for (size of their position * lock up period selected)
|-- rewardPoolApr: Annual percentage rate (0, 30, 60, 180, 360) days.
|-- rewardPoolKey: Vault pool reward address
|-- rewardMintAddress: Reward token address
|-- tokenSymbol: Short form of the token name
|-- poolId: Unique identifier for the pool
|-- deposits
|-- current: Deposit amount in vault
|-- max: Max deposit amount for the vault
|-- strategyType: 0 (Covered Call), 1 (Secured Put)
|-- accounts
|-- optionsUnderlyingMint: SPL token address used as underlying asset for options minted
|-- collateralAssetMint: SPL token address of asset used as collateral for options minted
|-- feeTokenAccount: Solana account for fee collection
|-- vaultOwnershipTokenMint: SPL token address of vault ownership token
|-- vaultAddress: Solana account address for the vault
|-- pythPriceOracle: Price oracle address used for settlement
|-- status
|-- optionsActive: If any option are minted from vault
|-- currentEpoch: Epoch number
|-- nextOptionMintTime: Time for next option mint
|-- nextEpochStartTime: Next epoch start time
|-- isDeprecated: If the vault is deprecated
|-- visibility: 0 - production, 1 - staging, 2 - development
|-- selectedStrike: Strike price for options minted
|-- fees
|-- performance: Performance fee in percentage
|-- withdrawal: Withdrawal fee in percentage
|-- id: Unique identifier for the vault
|-- version: Version of the vaults
|-- valuePerVaultToken: Current value of vault token in collateral asset
|-- apy:
|-- stakingApy: Apy from SOL staking (When collateral asset is a liquid staking token)
|-- weightedApy:
|-- targetDelta: Delta used for strike selection
|-- epochsCounted: Number of epochs included in the calculation
|-- apyAfterFees: Apy after fee deductions
|-- averageSaleYield: Average yield generated from option sale
|-- apyBeforeFees: Apy before fee deductions
|-- averageHistoricalLoss: Average percentage loss when option expire in the money
|-- currentEpochApy: Apy based on projected current epoch yield
|-- movingAverageApy:
|-- apyAfterFees: Apy after fee deductions
|-- epochsCounted: Number of epochs included in the calculation
|-- averageEpochYield: Average yield generated from option sale
|-- apyBeforeFees: Apy before fee deductions
|-- vaultHistory: Array of each epoch's history
|-- epoch: Epoch Number
|-- endingValuePerVaultToken: Value of token at the end of epoch in collateral asset
|-- saleAmount: Amount option was sold for in collateral asset.
|-- percentageLossOnCollateral: Percentage loss on collateral at the end of epoch.
|-- epochHistoryKey: Account storing epoch history
|-- startDate: Epoch start date
|-- optionMinted: Formatted string of option minted with strike price
|-- priceAtExpiry: Price of underlying at expiry
|-- strikePrice: Strike price of option minted
|-- overallYield: Overall yield earned from epoch
|-- saleYield: Yield earned from option sale
Response Object
"optionMinted":"17 JUN EXP - BTC PUT STRIKE $24500",
"optionMinted":"24 JUN EXP - BTC PUT STRIKE $15000",
Retrieve wallet positions for all vaults
const getAllUserVaultPositions = async (
userWallet: PublicKey,
connection: Connection,
isMainnet = true
import { getAllUserVaultPositions } from "psyfi-sdk";
const userWallet = new PublicKey(
const connection = new Connection("https://ssc-dao.genesysgo.net/");
const userPosition = await getAllUserVaultPositions(
Response Object
scnsol-sol-call': {
totalUserVaultTokens: 0,
valuePerVaultToken: 1.0251216147403115,
rewardMultiplier: 1,
pendingWithdrawalInVaultTokens: 0,
claimableRewards: {
totalClaimableAmount: 0.186569,
tokenSymbol: 'SRM',
epochsToClaim: { '1': [Array] }
vaultTokensInWallet: 0,
vaultTokensStaked: 0,
remainingLockupInSeconds: 0,
vaultTokenDecimals: 9,
pendingCollateralAssetDeposits: 0
'stsol-call': {
totalUserVaultTokens: 8403485,
valuePerVaultToken: 1.0251216147403115,
rewardMultiplier: 1,
pendingWithdrawalInVaultTokens: 0,
claimableRewards: {
totalClaimableAmount: 0.186569,
tokenSymbol: 'SRM',
epochsToClaim: { '1': [Array] }
vaultTokensInWallet: 0,
vaultTokensStaked: 8403485,
remainingLockupInSeconds: 86400, // Staked tokes are locked up 1 more day.
vaultTokenDecimals: 9,
pendingCollateralAssetDeposits: 0
Retrieve wallet position for a single vault
const getUserVaultPosition = async (
walletAddress: PublicKey,
vaultName: string,
connection: Connection,
isMainnet = true
import { getUserVaultPosition } from "psyfi-sdk";
import { Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection("https://ssc-dao.genesysgo.net/");
const userWallet = new PublicKey(
const userPosition = await getUserVaultPosition(
Response Object
totalUserVaultTokens: 8403485,
valuePerVaultToken: 1.0251216147403115,
rewardMultiplier: 1,
pendingWithdrawalInVaultTokens: 0,
claimableRewards: {
totalClaimableAmount: 0.186569,
tokenSymbol: 'SRM',
epochsToClaim: { '1': [Array] }
vaultTokensInWallet: 0,
vaultTokensStaked: 8403485,
remainingLockupInSeconds: 0,
vaultTokenDecimals: 9,
pendingCollateralAssetDeposits: 0
import { pdas } from "psyfi-sdk";
const userAuthority = pdas.derivePoolAuthority();
Retrieve underlying pool key
const deriveUnderlyingPoolKey = (underlyingMint: PublicKey)
Retrieve stable pool key
const deriveStablePoolKey = (stableMint: PublicKey)
Retrieve call option mint
const deriveCallOptionMint = (euroMetaKey: PublicKey)
Retrieve call writer mint
const deriveCallWriterMint = (euroMetaKey: PublicKey)
Retrieve put option mint
const derivePutOptionMint = (euroMetaKey: PublicKey)
Retrieve put writer mint
const derivePutWriterMint = (euroMetaKey: PublicKey)
Retrieve pool authority
const derivePoolAuthority();
Retrieve staking record
const deriveStakingRecord = async (
programId: PublicKey,
recordOwner: PublicKey,
stakePool: PublicKey
Retrieve reward record
const deriveRewardRecord = async (
programId: PublicKey,
rewardPool: PublicKey,
rewardEpoch: number
Retrieve vault account
const deriveVaultAccount = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
collateralAssetMint: PublicKey,
quoteAssetMint: PublicKey,
uniqueSeed: number,
strategyType: number
Retrieve epoch history
const deriveEpochHistory = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
vaultAccount: PublicKey,
epoch: number
Retrieve vault authority
const deriveVaultAuthority = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
vaultAccount: PublicKey
Retrieve collateral account
const deriveVaultCollateralAccount = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
vaultAccount: PublicKey
Retrieve vault token mint
const deriveVaultTokenMint = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
vaultAccount: PublicKey
Retrieve vault token account
const deriveVaultTokenAccount = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
vaultAccount: PublicKey
Retrieve withdrawal collateral account
const deriveWithdrawalCollateralAccount = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
vaultAccount: PublicKey
Retrieve deposit receipt
const deriveDepositReceipt = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
userAuthority: PublicKey,
vaultAccount: PublicKey,
epoch: number
Retrieve withdrawal receipt
const deriveWithdrawalReceipt = async (
programKey: PublicKey,
userAuthority: PublicKey,
vaultAccount: PublicKey,
epoch: number
Retrieve open orders address
const deriveOpenOrdersAddress = async (
serumMarket: PublicKey,
authority: PublicKey,
serumDexProgramKey: PublicKey
Retrieve market authority
const deriveMarketAuthority = async (
serumMarketKey: PublicKey,
serumDexProgramKey: PublicKey
Retrieve request queue
const deriveRequestQueue = (
optionMintKey: PublicKey,
priceCurrencyKey: PublicKey
Retrieve coin vault
const deriveCoinVault = (
optionMintKey: PublicKey,
priceCurrencyKey: PublicKey
Retrieve PC vault
const derivePCVault = (
optionMintKey: PublicKey,
priceCurrencyKey: PublicKey
Retrieve serum market address
const deriveSerumMarketAddress = (
optionMintKey: PublicKey,
priceCurrencyKey: PublicKey
Retrieve serum vault owner
const deriveSerumVaultOwner = async (
serumMarket: PublicKey,
serumDexProgramKey: PublicKey
Retrieve active markets for vault bidding
const getActiveVaultMarkets = async (
isMainnet = true
import { vaultBidding } from "psyfi-sdk";
const activeVaultBiddingMarkets = await vaultBidding.getActiveVaultMarkets(true);
Response Object
"isCall": true,
"amount": 3.8,
"serumMarketKey": "GAzxTQhujhitUt36TWkPuxxR7o9CN2qPSFMKJrgkZeCn",
"expirationTimestamp": 1664687098000,
"strike": 30000,
"endTimestamp": 1664601637000,
"collateralKey": "E6Z6zLzk8MWY3TY8E87mr88FhGowEPJTeMWzkqtL6qkF",
"optionMintKey": "BtqTXRHhLLkqM2fibfqg4fRBpGpTXU4x8PajFpzBfoH4",
"euroMetaAddress": "XsoQc96WEBai5TJpFFUMZEYTSBomo3YZWGZys4bciuU",
"underlyingMint": "C6kYXcaRUMqeBF5fhg165RWU7AnpT9z92fvKNoMqjmz6",
"stableMint": "E6Z6zLzk8MWY3TY8E87mr88FhGowEPJTeMWzkqtL6qkF"
"isCall": true,
"amount": 3.8,
"serumMarketKey": "BnLsvJa9SmpQXqawKaR7C8mrW4EbGwqkmhfXYfpXWtTB",
"expirationTimestamp": 1664687098000,
"strike": 30000,
"endTimestamp": 1664601637000,
"euroMetaAddress": "XsoQc96WEBai5TJpFFUMZEYTSBomo3YZWGZys4bciuU",
"collateralKey": "C6kYXcaRUMqeBF5fhg165RWU7AnpT9z92fvKNoMqjmz6",
"optionMintKey": "BtqTXRHhLLkqM2fibfqg4fRBpGpTXU4x8PajFpzBfoH4",
"underlyingMint": "C6kYXcaRUMqeBF5fhg165RWU7AnpT9z92fvKNoMqjmz6",
"stableMint": "E6Z6zLzk8MWY3TY8E87mr88FhGowEPJTeMWzkqtL6qkF"
"isCall": false,
"amount": 50,
"serumMarketKey": "BNw1rt21EZQw5KfZLaAUCAziQ9vecvMh1JNdvdz6TfHW",
"expirationTimestamp": 1672387300000,
"strike": 20,
"endTimestamp": 1672387200000,
"collateralKey": "E6Z6zLzk8MWY3TY8E87mr88FhGowEPJTeMWzkqtL6qkF",
"optionMintKey": "58nC3yncBnir2p9CDeAPzezR9rfVmmzpWym53svxeTq6",
"euroMetaAddress": "3CykuF8d1FrQYTfANZzZSCmmQUdkkJFj7ZZzTdxpwS7o",
"underlyingMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"stableMint": "E6Z6zLzk8MWY3TY8E87mr88FhGowEPJTeMWzkqtL6qkF"
Place bid for an active vault bidding market
const placeBid = async (
euroMetaAddress: string,
collateralKey: string,
optionMintKey: string,
price: number,
size: number,
wallet: AnchorWallet,
isMainnet: boolean,
import { vaultBidding } from "psyfi-sdk";
import { useAnchorWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
const wallet = useAnchorWallet();
await vaultBidding.placeBid(
"3CykuF8d1FrQYTfANZzZSCmmQUdkkJFj7ZZzTdxpwS7o", // euroMeta address
"E6Z6zLzk8MWY3TY8E87mr88FhGowEPJTeMWzkqtL6qkF", // collateralKey
"58nC3yncBnir2p9CDeAPzezR9rfVmmzpWym53svxeTq6", // optionMintKey
200, // price per contract
2, // contract quantity
true // mainnet
Response Object
Calling the function will prompt the user to sign the transaction with their connected wallet Once the transaction is confirmed, the function returns the transaction signature:
Cancel all bids for vault bidding market
const cancelAllBidsForMarket = async (
serumMarketKey: string,
euroMetaAddress: string,
collateralKey: string,
optionMintKey: string
wallet: AnchorWallet,
isMainnet = true,
import { vaultBidding } from "psyfi-sdk";
import { useAnchorWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
const wallet = useAnchorWallet();
await vaultBidding.cancelAllBidsForMarket(
Response Object
Calling the function will prompt the user to sign the transaction with their connected wallet Once the transaction is confirmed, the function returns the transaction signature: