microservice for posting to MongoDB
A microservice REST POST module for inserting records into MongoDB
This module extends the @mitchallen/microservice-core module to create microservice endpoints to connect with MongoDB.
For a background on the core and microservices, visit the core npm page.
You must use npm 2.7.0 or higher because of the scoped package name.
$ npm init
$ npm install @mitchallen/microservice-mongodb-post --save
Provides a way to insert records into MongoDB via REST POST.
Non-Secure Only
Please note that this module is for NON-SECURE posts only. For ideas on how to create an SSL version see: @mitchallen/microservice-ssl. You may also want to checkout RichmondJS.
Define a Service Object
Define a service object with the following fields:
- name: the name of your service (see example to use package name)
- version: the version of your service (see example to use package version)
- verbose: true or false, whether or not to echo info to the console
- prefix: example: if prefix = "/v1", urls will begin with that (/v1/music)
- port: HTTP port to listen on
- mongodb: MongoDB connection info
- mongodb.uri: MongoDB uri (example: mongodb://localhost/test)
- collectionName: name of the MongoDB collection for inserting records into
Music Post Example
Here is the code from the example folder: examples/music-post/index.js
"use strict";
let demand = require('@mitchallen/demand'),
dbCore = require('@mitchallen/microservice-mongodb-post',
prefix = process.env.MUSIC_POST_API_VERSION || '/v1';
var service = {
name: require("./package").name,
version: require("./package").version,
verbose: true,
prefix: prefix,
port: process.env.MUSIC_POST_PORT || 8004,
mongodb: {
uri: process.env.TEST_MONGO_URI || 'mongodb://localhost/test',
collectionName: "music",
dbCore.Service(service, function(err,obj) {
if( err ) {
throw new Error( err.message );
Create a file with the contents above called index.js
Execute the following at the command line:
npm install npm install @mitchallen/microservice-mongodb-post --save npm install @mitchallen/demand --save
Run the app and leave it running:
node index.js
Open up a second terminal window and create a file called data.json with the following contents:
{ "CatalogID": "b123", "Artist":"The Beatles", "SongTitle":"Abbey Road", "Album": "Octopus's Garden" }
Execute the following in the second terminal window (all on one line) (assumes a Mac or Linux and that port 8004 is not busy):
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @data.json http://localhost:8004/v1/music
Go to your MongoDB console at look at the contents of the music collection. In the MongoDB shell, verify with:
MongoDB with Username and Password
To login with a username and password, you would need a uri like this example for mlab.com:
export TEST_MONGO_URI='mongodb://foo:[email protected]:12345/dbnode01'
You would replace foo with your mlab username and fooword with your password.
You don't have to use your mlab login info. They let you add other users, such as a test user.
The 12345 portion of the string would change to match the uri that mlabs gives you.
You pass the service object to the Service method along with a callback:
dbCore.Service(service, function(err,obj) {});
The object returned by the callback contains a server field:
{ server: server }
It's a pointer to the express modules server. If you are familiar with express, it's the value returned by app.listen. You don't need to actually return anything.
It was handy for me to use the close method in the unit tests so I wouldn't get port-in-use errors.
Here is an example of how to create it, then use the server return value to close it (checking for null omitted for brevity):
dbCore.Service(options, function(err,obj) {
if(err) {
// ...
var server = obj.server;
You can find working examples in the examples folder of the git repo.
- examples / music-post - demos how to post a record to MongoDB. See that folders README for more info.
To test, go to the root folder and type (sans $):
$ npm test
- bitbucket.org/mitchallen/microservice-mongodb-post.git
- github.com/mitchallen/microservice-mongodb-post.git
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
Version History
Version 0.2.3
- Updated examples
Version 0.2.2
- Now uses updated code
Version 0.2.1
- Bumped version because breaks backward compatability
Version 0.1.2
- Fixed overwrite of index.js by Gruntfile.js
Version 0.1.1
- updated example to use published package
Version 0.1.0
- initial release