Mirai API Services layer
💾 @mirai/services
A naive isomorphic storage manager
📦 Setup
Add the package in your project:
yarn add @mirai/services
Configure the endpoints for each type of service
For development purpouses we will use
file for this setup.
Returns all the information available for a determinate country.
const country = await ServiceCountry.info('ES');
>> {
"prefix": "93"
Returns a map with the properties of each country.
const countries = await ServiceCountry.list('es-ES');
>> {
"AF": { "prefix": "93" },
"AL": { "prefix": "355" },
"DZ": { "prefix": "213" },
has an auto-cache system that expires in 24 hours.
convert(from , to, amount, reverse)
Convert the value from one currency to another
const conversion = ServiceCurrency.convert('USD', 'EUR', 10);
>> 10.08
Returns all the conversions rates for a determinate currency.
const rates = ServiceCurrency.exchange('USD');
>> {
"AED": 4.06,
"ARS": 121.31,
"AUD": 1.5,
Returns a dictionary of translations for a determinate locale.
const dictionary = ServiceDictionary.get('es-ES');
Initialize the service of "feature flag" downloading all rules from an endpoint.
const features = await ServiceFeatures.initialize();
>> {
"occupation": false,
"calendarPrices": true,
"variants": {
"00001": { "occupation": true },
"00002": { "calendarPrices": false }
get(id, hotelId)
Returns a rule for a determinate hotel.
const hasOccupation = ServiceFeatures.get('occupation', '501404');
>> true
Returns for a given hotelId an object with the default currency per country.
const currencies = ServiceHotel.getCurrencies('501404');
>> {
"AD": "EUR",
"AR": "ARS",
"AS": "USD",
getToken({ checkin, idHotel })
Returns for a given idHotel and checkin date the token for can communicate with Hotel Verse in case this is possible. If is not possible the function returns undefined
const accessTokenHv = ServiceHotelVerse.getToken({checkin:'01/05/2023', idHotel:'100376546'});
>> "YmxhIGJsYSBleGFtcGxl"
get(id, from, months, currency)
Returns a list of prices sort by date and the hotel default currency.
const prices = ServicePricing.get('501404', '15/04/2022', 1, 'USD');
>> {
"currency": "USD",
"prices": {
"22/04/2022": 216.00,
"24/04/2022": 188.10,
"25/04/2022": 180.00,
getStatic(id, from, months, userCurrency)
This method is a little bit tricky, because the last parameter userCurrency
is optional. As the previous service (get
) returns a list of prices sort by date, plus the hotel default currency and country.
const prices = ServicePricing.getStatic('501404', '15/04/2022', 1, 'USD');
>> {
"country": "US",
"currency": "USD",
"prices": {
"22/04/2022": 216.00,
"24/04/2022": 188.10,
"25/04/2022": 180.00,
booking({ idHotel, env, lang, pinCode, reservationCode })
Get de token of a booking. All the params are mandatory.
If exists an error related with the authentication, return a error with code 10
. In other cases return a error with code 0
const response = await ServiceUser.booking({
id: 55,
idHotel: 1111,
pinCode: 44
>> {
"token": "01F7D0EF7ED54F75DC79CAD00B46C116B31C687F"
⚠️ This method is pending of a refactor, because right now ask to many mandatory fields.
const session = await ServiceUser.signup({
// country: 'ES',
dateOfBirth: '10/04/1980',
email: '[email protected]',
firstName: 'javi',
idClub: '6509887230248306646',
idHotel: '501404',
// language: 'es',
lastName: 'jimenez',
password: '12345678J',
// privacy: true,
// source: 'website',
// subscribed: false,
}).catch((error) => {
>> true
login(username, password)
⚠️ This method is pending of a refactor, because right now is using oAuth protocol
const session = await ServiceUser.login(email, password).catch((error) => console.error(error));
>> {
access_token: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...',
club_name: 'Garden Direct'
email: '[email protected]',
expires_in: 43199,
first_name: 'j',
id_club: 6509887230248307000,
jti: 'a3b55543-b7c1-4aa5-a8b1-f97a1e15a082',
last_name: 'j',
refresh_token: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...',
scope: 'read',
subscribed: false,
token_type: 'bearer',
resetPassword({ email, idClub, idHotel })
Resets the password of an active user, the new password will send by email.
const response = await ServiceUser.resetPassword({
email: '[email protected]',
idClub: 6509887230248307000,
idHotel: '501404'
>> {
"result": "SUCCESS"
Signout from the membership club.
const response = await ServiceUser.signout();
>> {
joinedMembersConfirmationKeys: [593ZODOTrFIR_NRIvFssdP-PXZKCAbVnVvYZZkr_D98],
result: SUCCESS
⚠️ I think this method should return a boolean
Logout the current session.
const response = await ServiceUser.logout();
>> true
Returns the actual data of the user.
const profile = await ServiceUser.profile();
>> {
idMember: 8973108064730172000,
idClub: 6509887230248307000,
email: '[email protected]',
active: true,
role: 'MEMBER',
firstName: 'j',
lastName: 'j',
country: 'ES',
language: 'es',
joiningDate: '04/10/2022',
source: 'WEBSITE',
subscribed: false,
dateOfBirth: '01/01/1960',
extraFields: {},
idJoinReservation: 0
update({ firstname, lastname, dateOfBirth, country, subscribed })
Update some fields of the user.
const profile = await ServiceUser.update({
firstName: 'javi',
lastName: 'jimenez',
dateOfBirth: '10/04/1980',
country: 'TH',
subscribed: true,
>> {
"result": "SUCCESS"
Returns a list of bookings of the user.
const bookings = await ServiceUser.bookings();
>> [{
hotelInfo: {
name: 'Alcudia Garden Aparthotel ',
address: 'Avinguda de la Platja, 1',
location: 'Port d Alcúdia',
province: 'Baleares',
telephone: '+34 971 081 625',
latitude: '39.842319',
longitude: '3.1260377',
countryIsoCode: 'ES',
url: 'https://www.gardenhotels.com/alcudia-garden-aparthotel/',
image: 'https://images.mirai.com/HOTEL_PHOTOS/100376538/NJVRSMFKMZFNMHYSVCYZ.jpg'
hotelCurrency: 'EUR',
idTokenProvider: 100376538,
idReservation: '20022077925',
cancellationCode: 2258850,
checkin: '08/10/2020',
checkout: '10/10/2020',
nights: 2,
paymentDescription: 'Fizetés a létesítménybe való megérkezéskor. Bankkártya kizárólag a foglalás garanciájaként.',
cancellationPolicySortText: 'Különleges feltételek: A lemondásnak költsége van',
cancellationPolicy: 'CANCELLATION: Free up to 12:00 hours of the day okt.-06-2020. After that time, 20% of the total reservation will be charged on your card.',
cancelDate: '20/02/2020'