Frequently used utilities
npm i @minsize/utils
yarn add @minsize/utils
| Function | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| chunks
| Splits an array into pieces of the given size. |
| clamp
| Limits the number to the specified minimum and maximum value. |
| decWord
| The function returns a string representing the correct ending of the word depending on the number. |
| alignTo
| The function returns an aligned number. |
| toShort
| The function returns a string representing the number in short form. |
| timeAgo
| The function returns a string describing the time elapsed since timestamp. |
| formatNumber
| Formats a number into a delimited string. |
| shuffle
| Shuffles the elements of an array in random order. |
| random
| Generates a random number within the specified range. |
| isType
| Checks if the value is of the specified type. |
| omit
| Returns a new object with no specified keys. |
| pick
| Returns a new object with the selected keys. |
| sleep
| Waits for the specified number of milliseconds. |
| copyText
| The function allows you to copy text to the clipboard. |
| createLinksFromText
| The function returns an array containing text fragments and the results of the callback call for each block. |
| The function converts color from HSV color model (hue, saturation, brightness) to RGB color model (red, green, blue). |
| The function converts color from the RGB color model (red, green, blue) to hexadecimal format (HEX). |
| The function converts color from the RGB (red, green, blue) color model to the HSV (hue, saturation, brightness) color model. |