Build token from figma design system
Mink Build Tokens
A central location to store shared attributes of the Minkminks-ui. These attributes include: colors, fonts, spacing, and more. Using Amazon's Style Dictionary we transform attributes into usable variables for a variety of platforms.
Install The package in your project
npm i @minkminks/build-tokens
yarn add @minkminks/build-tokens
Import tokens into your project based on your requirements
Ideally you'd want to import them into a file that exposes them to your entire application.
SASS Variables imported into a .scss file
@import '~@minkminks/build-tokens/scss/tokens.scss'
CSS Variables imported into a .css file
@import '~@minkminks/build-tokens/css/tokens.css'
SASS Utility classes imported into a .scss file (NOTE: SCSS and CSS utility classes are the same, we provide both if you wish to maintain consistency in file formats)
@import '~@minkminks/build-tokens/utilities/utilities-color.scss'
@import '~@minkminks/build-tokens/utilities/utilities-size.scss'
CSS Utility Classes imported into a .css file
@import '~@minkminks/build-tokens/utilities/utilities-color.css'
@import '~@minkminks/build-tokens/utilities/utilities-size.css'
Available Tokens
- Color
- Brand
- Font
- Border
- Size
- Border
- Border Radius
- Breakpoint
- Spacing
- Font
- Width
- Height
- Box Shadow
- Opacity
- Z-Index
- Line-Height
Release Types
Must be one of the following:
- BREAKING CHANGE: A set of breaking changes.
- feat: A new feature
- fix: A bug fix
- perf: A code change that improves performance
- ci: A change to our CI pipelines/workflows.
- build: A change to the library build process (That does not break the consumer API).
- test: Added or improved testing in some area of the library.
- refactor: Changed code structure without affecting features.
- docs: Added to, or improved documentation.
- style: Change in code style without affecting features.