Public IP helper for mimik microservices
const publicHlelper = require('@mimik/public-helper');
module.exports ⏏
To note
The following environment variables are required for custom locations:
| Env variable name | Example | Comments | | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- | | LOCATION_PROVIDER | environment | For custom location, value for this var should be set to "environment" | SERVER_PUBLIC_IPV4 | | | SERVER_LOCATION_LON | -122.676 | | SERVER_LOCATION_LAT | 45.5235 |
Kind: Exported member
Property associated with the location.
The following environment variables are set:
| Env variable name | Description | Default | Comments | | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | | query[1] | query to fill the different local properties from AWS| | SERVER_LOCAL_IPV4, INSTANCE_ID, LOCAL_HOSTNAME | publicQuery[1] | publicQuery to fill the public property from AWS | | SERVER_PUBLIC_IPV4
The following environment variables are used:
| Env variable name | Description | Default | Comments | | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | | AWS_LOCAL_PROPERTIES | IP address to access instance properties on AWS |
Kind: inner constant of module.exports
module.exports~getLocation(}, ip, correlationId, options) ⇒ Promise
The location object has the follwoing structure:
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ lon, lat],
The result object has the following structure:
"status": (describing where the data come from),
"ip": (the public IP address of the server),
"location": (the location object)
When ip
is not present, the following environement variables will be updated:
| Env variable name | Description | Default | Comments | | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | | SERVER_LOCATION_LON | longitude of the IP address | location.coordinates[0] | | SERVER_LOCATION_LAT | latitude of the IP address | location.coordinates[1] | | SERVER_PUBLIC_IPV4 | public IP address | result.ip |
Kind: inner method of module.exports
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
Fulfil: object The location object encapsulated in the result.
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| } | object | locationProvider - location provider information to use for getting the location { url, key } (key is optional). |
| ip | IP.<string> | Optional IP address to locate. |
| correlationId | string | Correlation Id to add the the request. |
| options | object | Options associated with the call. Use to pass metrics
to rpRetry
. |
module.exports~getPublic(locationProvider, cloudProvider, correlationId, options) ⇒ Promise
The location data has the following structure:
"status": (describing where the data come from),
"ip": (the public IP address of the server),
"localIp": (`in case of AWS` local adddress),
"instanceId": (`in case of AWS` id of the instance running the service),
"location": (the location object)
When provided, the locationProvider information has the following stucture:
"url": (URL of the provider),
"key": (security key to associated with the request)
The following environment variables will used:
| Env variable name | Description | Default | Comments | | ----------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | | SERVER_LOCAL_IPV4 | AWS local IP address | INSTANCE_ID | id of the instance | SERVER_PUBLIC_IPV4 | public IP address | SERVER_ID | id of the server | SERVER_LOCATION_LON | longitude of the server | SERVER_LOCATION_LAT | latitude of the server
and in order to set these properties process.env.AWS_LOCAL_PROPERTIES
is used and is default
is used.
Kind: inner method of module.exports
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
Fulfil: object The location data.
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| locationProvider | URL.<string> | The location provider or noPublic
when no locationProvider is used or environment
when the environment variables have the information. |
| cloudProvider | string | Cloud Provider used to run the service (currently limited to AWS
). |
| correlationId | string | Correlation Id to add the the request. |
| options | object | Options associated with the call. Use to pass metrics
to rpRetry
. |
module.exports~setSettings(settings, newConfig) ⇒ object
Set config.serverSettings with location data.
Kind: inner method of module.exports
Returns: object - The updated config.serverSettings.
Category: sync
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | settings | object | The config.serverSettings to update. | | newConfig | object | The location configuration to use to update the config.serverSettings. |