temp Oauth helper for microservices
const oauthHelper = require('@mimik/oauth-helper-temp');
The following environment variables are used:
| Env variable name | Description | Default | Comments |
| ----------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- |
| OAUTH_HELPER_TEMP_ACCOUNT | swagger account to use for accessing API on swaggerhub
| OAUTH_HELPER_TEMP_API_KEY | API key for the private API on swaggerhub
The config should contain the customerCode is needed. If the customerCode is not available in the config, a default uuid will be used.
An environment variable OAUTH_HELPER_TEMP_ACCOUNT can be set to change the swagger account to be used. The default is `mimik`.
Another environment variable OAUTH_HELPER_TEMP_API_KEY can be set to access private API on the account to be used.
- oauth-helper-temp
- ~rpAuth(type, options) ⇒ Promise
- ~createUserToken() ⇒ Promise
- ~createUserTokenAll() ⇒ Promise
- ~createUserTokenWithOnBehalf() ⇒ Promise
- ~createUserTokenAllWithOnBehalf() ⇒ Promise
- ~createAdminToken() ⇒ Promise
- ~createAdminToken() ⇒ Promise
- ~getAdminTokens() ⇒ Promise
- ~getSystemTokens() ⇒ Promise
oauth-helper-temp~rpAuth(type, options) ⇒ Promise
Make an authorized request.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
- Promise Will throw the same error than rpauth in oauth-helper.
Fulfil: object - Response of the request which is follow rpauth in oauth-helper.
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| type | string | Type of micro service to request. |
| options | object | Options for the request. Similar to rpauth in oauth-helper
options. |
oauth-helper-temp~createUserToken() ⇒ Promise
Create a user token.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
- Promise Will throw the same error if the token cannot be created.
Params: string type - Type of micro-service to request.
Params: string userId - User id to assign to the token.
Params: string appId - Application id to associated with the request.
Params: UUID<string> correlationId - CorrelationId associated with the creation of the token.
Fulfil: JWT<object> The user token.
oauth-helper-temp~createUserTokenAll() ⇒ Promise
Create a user token with many services.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
- Promise Will throw the same error if the token cannot be created.
Params: string types - Array of type of micro-service to request.
Params: string userId - User id to assign to the token.
Params: string appId - Application id to associated with the request.
Params: UUID<string> correlationId - CorrelationId associated with the creation of the token.
Fulfil: JWT<object> The user token.
oauth-helper-temp~createUserTokenWithOnBehalf() ⇒ Promise
Create an onBehalfId token.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
- Promise Will throw the same error if the token cannot be created.
Params: string type - Type of micro-service to request.
Params: string userId - User id to assign to the token.
Params: string appId - Application id to associated with the request.
Params: string onBehalfId - User id to assign to the token to act on behalf.
Params: UUID<string> correlationId - CorrelationId associated with the creation of the token.
Fulfil: JWT<object> The onBehalf token.
oauth-helper-temp~createUserTokenAllWithOnBehalf() ⇒ Promise
Create an onBehalfId token with many services.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
- Promise Will throw the same error if the token cannot be created.
Params: string types - Array of type of micro-service to request.
Params: string userId - User id to assign to the token.
Params: string appId - Application id to associated with the request.
Params: string onBehalfId - User id to assign to the token to act on behalf.
Params: UUID<string> correlationId - CorrelationId associated with the creation of the token.
Fulfil: JWT<object> The onBehalf token.
oauth-helper-temp~createAdminToken() ⇒ Promise
Create an admin token.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
- Promise Will throw the same error if the token cannot be created.
Params: string type - Type of micro-service to request.
Params: UUID<string> correlationId - CorrelationId associated with the creation of the token.
Params: UUID<string> customerCode - customer code to be added in the token. If not present, config.serverSettings.customerCode or uuid.v4() will be used.
Fulfil: JWT<object> The admin token.
oauth-helper-temp~createAdminToken() ⇒ Promise
Create a system token.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
- Promise Will throw the same error if the token cannot be created.
Params: string type - Type of micro-service to request.
Params: UUID<string> correlationId - CorrelationId associated with the creation of the token.
Params: UUID<string> customerCode - customer code to be added in the token. If not present, config.serverSettings.customerCode or uuid.v4() will be used.
Fulfil: JWT<object> The system token.
oauth-helper-temp~getAdminTokens() ⇒ Promise
Get admin tokens.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
Params: string mSTAdminToken - Token to access admin operation of mST.
Params: URL<string> mSTBaseUrl - BaseUrl to use to access mST endpoints.
Params: string customerName - Name of the customer for which the token will be provided.
Params: string environment - Environment used to define the admin tokens.
Params: array targets - Array of { type } to get the admin tokens.
Params: UUID<string> correlationId - CorrelationId associated with the creation of the tokens.
Fulfil: object An array of responses with tokens.
config is ignored for that function.
oauth-helper-temp~getSystemTokens() ⇒ Promise
Get system tokens.
Kind: inner method of oauth-helper-temp
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
Params: string mSTAdminToken - Token to access admin operation of mST.
Params: URL<string> mSTBaseUrl - BaseUrl to use to access mST endpoints.
Params: string customerName - Name of the customer for which the token will be provided.
Params: object typePairs - Array of pair of { origType, destType } to get the system tokens.
Params: UUID<string> correlationId - CorrelationId associated with the creation of the tokens.
Fulfil: object An array of responses with tokens.
config is ignored for that function.