A Webpack loader for glTF assets. Automatically bundles all referenced files.
Webpack glTF Loader
A Webpack loader for glTF assets. Automatically bundles all referenced files.
This loader is based on MONOGRID/gltf-loader-2.
Webpack configuration
rules: [
// IMPORTANT: if you have a loader for Image files (you would, normally)
// you NEED to add an exclude option IN IT for GLTF images
// following is an example of YOUR loader config
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif)(\?.*)?$/,
// here I decided to put all my gltf files under a folder named 'gltf'
// so I added and exclude rule to my existing loader
exclude: /gltf/, // only add this line
// (etc)
loader: 'url-loader',
options: {
limit: 10000,
name: 'img/[name].[hash:7].[ext]'
// GLTF configuration: add this to rules
// match all .gltf files
test: /\.(gltf)$/,
loader: '@jpweeks/gltf-loader'
// here I match only IMAGE and BIN files under the gltf folder
test: /gltf.*\.(bin|png|jpe?g|gif)$/,
// or use url-loader if you would like to embed images in the source gltf
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
// output folder for bin and image files, configure as needed
name: 'gltf/[name].[hash:7].[ext]'
// end GLTF configuration
Usage Example in Three.js
// please notice the file and all its dependencies
// are under a folder named 'gltf' as per webpack config
import gltfFile from 'assets/gltf/some.gltf';
// per configuration only the GLTF json het embedded in the source
// .bin and .png images are processed and outputted by webpack
var loader = new GLTFLoader()
loader.parse(shieldGLTF, '', (gltf) => {
// here we go
let scene = gltf.scene