Websocket client for NodeJS.
Websocket Client for nodeJS which works best with the Mikosoft Websocket Server @mikosoft/ws-server.
Optimised, high speed, reliable and very powerful library made according to RFC6455 Standard for websocket version 13.
npm install --save @mikosoft/ws-client-nodejs
Website Documentation
Websocket Client Features
- RFC6455, websocket v.13
- supported subprotocols: jsonRWS, raw
- automatic reconnect
- ping & pong
- questions - send request to server and receive answer (simmilar to HTTP request but on the websocket TCP level)
- rooms - send group message to a subscribed clients
- small file size, minified (~9.8kB only)
- powerful API which saves your development time
- easy integration with RxJS
connect(wsURL) - connect to the websocket server via websocket URL (wsURL) -- ws:// or wss:// protocols
disconnect() - disconnect from the websocket server
sendOne(to:string, payload:any) - send message to one websocket socket/client (parameter to is the socket ID)
send(to:string[], payload:any) - send message to one or more clients
broadcast(payload:any) - send message to all clients except the sender
sendAll(payload:any) - send message to all clients and the sender
sendRaw(payload:string) - send raw string message to server for test purposes
sendServer(payload:any) - send message to server only (no sending to other clients)
ping(ms:number, n:number) - send PING to server n times, every ms miliseconds
pong() - when PING is received from the server send PONG back.
questionSocketId() - receive the client's socket id
questionSocketList() - receive the list of sockets connected on the server
questionRoomList() - receive the list of all rooms
questionRoomListmy() - receive the list of subscribed rooms
roomEnter(roomName:string) - enter the room and start to listen the room's messages
roomExit(roomName:string) - exit from the room and stop to listen the room's messages
roomExitAll() - exit from the all rooms
roomSend(roomName:string, payload:any) - exit from the room and stop to listen the room's messages
setNick(nickname:string) - set the client's nickname
route(uri:string, body?:any) - send route to the server, for example: {uri: '/login', body: {username: 'john', password: 'trtmrt'}}
on(eventName:string, listener:Function) - listen events: 'connected', 'disconnected', 'closed-by-server', 'ping', 'pong', 'message', 'message-error', 'question', 'route', 'server-error'
once(eventName:string, listener:Function) - listen event only once: 'connected', 'disconnected', 'closed-by-server', 'ping', 'pong', 'message', 'message-error', 'question', 'route', 'server-error'
off(eventName:string, listener:Function) - stop listening the event for specific listener
The 'message-error' event is error in the recived message. In most cases this error is generated when message doesn't satisfy jsonRWS subprotocol rules.
const { WsClientNodejs } = require('@mikosoft/ws-client-nodejs');
class TestClient extends WsClientNodejs {
constructor(wcOpts) {
const main = async () => {
// connect to websocket server
const wcOpts = {
connectTimeout: 8000,
reconnectAttempts: 6, // try to reconnect n times
reconnectDelay: 5000, // delay between reconnections
questionTimeout: 13000, // wait for answer
subprotocols: ['jsonRWS', 'raw'],
autodelayFactor: 500,
debug: false,
debug_DataParser: false
const testClient = new TestClient(wcOpts);
const socket = await testClient.connect('ws://localhost:3211?authkey=TRTmrt');
console.log('readyState::', socket.readyState);
console.log('writable::', socket.writable);
console.log('readable::', socket.readable);
testClient.on('message', (msg, msgSTR, msgBUF) => {
console.log('received message::', msgSTR);
await testClient.sendAll(to, 'ABC of the websocket');
To develop the library:
// start the websocket server (look at @mikosoft/ws-server)
$ nodemon examples/001internal.js
// run the example script
$ nodemon examples/001connect.js
Copyright (c) 2021- Mikosoft licensed under MIT .