Checks AH delivery slots by postcode
Albert Heijn Delivery Check
Checks Albert Heijn delivery slots by postcode, in this time of need, without having to access AH's website and scroll the calendar.
npm install -g @mihaiblaga89/ah-delivery
ahdl check <postcode>
or npx @mihaiblaga89/ah-delivery check <postcode>
-c, --cron
- Will exit with an exit code of 1 (error) if it finds something. Made specifically for my Synology NAS since I can easily set it up with a few clicks to send me an email if a cronjob fails. That way I can enable this to run every 10 minutes and I'll receive an email if it finds a slot.
-l, --limit <days>
- You can limit the number of days you want this script to check. Maybe you're not interested in slots 10 days from now.