Yeoman Generator for Power Pages.
Yeoman generator for PowerPages: YO PowerPages!
The Power Pages Yeoman Generator helps you quickly create a Portal template with the right project structure. It's used along with Yeoman to prompt you with questions to create the portal scaffolding (the folders & files). You can use it to create:
- Webpage
- Webfile
- Webtemplate
- Content Snippet
- Page Template
Installing Yeoman
Yeoman is installed using npm. If this is not already installed on your machine, you will need to install the node, which npm is bundled with. You can find out if you have npm installed by running the following command:
>>> npm --version
Once you have npm installed, you can install Yeoman globally and add it to your PATH by running the following command:
>>> npm install yo -g
Using the Power Pages Generator
Install the generator
>>> npm install -g @microsoft/generator-powerpages
Start the tool with the following command in a system prompt
>>> yo @microsoft/powerpages
You will be prompted with a question to choose the template.
Choose the template and answer respective prompts. Your new template is ready!
Running Sub-Generator
You can directly run a sub-generator with following command.
>>> yo @microsoft/powerpages:sub-generator-name
Available Sub-Generators|
webpage webfile webtemplate contentsnippet pagetemplate
So, If you want to add webpage, run:
>>> yo @microsoft/powerpages:webpage
Using Params to Generate New Component
Apart from using interactive menu you can directly pass params in system prompt for supported sub-generators.
yo @microsoft/powerpages:sub-generator [params]
You can use --help to know required params.
yo @microsoft/powerpages:sub-generator --help