Loads an OpenAPI/Swagger file, sorts the file (ensuring that significant fields float to the top), and can output the file with clean indenting, to either JSON or YAML
Loads an OpenAPI/Swagger file, sorts the file (ensuring that significant fields float to the top), and can output the file with clean indenting, to either JSON or YAML
format-spec [--switches] [ouptut-file(s)...]
can be either a .json or .yaml file
can be a list of filenames:
files that end in .json
will be JSON format
files that end in .yaml
will be YAML format
-- prints the file to stdout as JSON
-- prints the file to stdout as YAML
-- sets indentation to N (defaults to 2 spaces)
-- doesn't sort the file
install it globally
npm install -g "@microsoft-azure/format-spec"
Example: formats/sorts a spec and saves it as a new file
format-spec someswagger.json formattedswagger.json
Example: formats/sorts a spec and saves it as the same file
format-spec someswagger.json someswagger.json
Example: formats/sorts a spec and saves it as a yaml file.
format-spec someswagger.json someswagger.yaml
Example: formats (doesn't sort) a spec and saves it as a yaml file.
format-spec --no-sort someswagger.json someswagger.yaml
Example: Run without installing
npx "@microsoft-azure/format-spec" someswagger.json someswagger.yaml
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