NodeJS wrapper for the Micro Focus ALM Octane API
A Node.js wrapper for the MF ALM Octane API.
Install via npm
$ npm i @microfocus/hpe-alm-octane-js-rest-sdk
Please note that for the first time use, you need to do Update client API first.
var Octane = require('@microfocus/hpe-alm-octane-js-rest-sdk')
var octane = new Octane({
protocol: "https",
host: <HOST>,
port: <PORT>,
shared_space_id: <SHARED_SPACE_ID>,
workspace_id: <WORKSPACE_ID>,
username: <USERNAME>,
password: <PASSWORD>
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error - %s', err.message)
// get all defects
octane.defects.getAll({}, function (err, defects) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error - %s', err.message)
defects.forEach(function (defect) {
// get 10 defects in places 10 – 19
octane.defects.getAll({limit: 10, offset: 10}, function (err, defects) {
// get low severity defects
var q1 = Query.field('name').equal('Low')
var q2 = Query.field('severity').equal(q1)
octane.defects.getAll({query: q2}, function (err, defects) {
// create a defect
var defect = {
name: 'defect',
parent: aWorkItemRoot,
severity: aSeverity,
phase: aDefectPhase
octane.defects.create(defect, function (err, defect) {
// create multiple defects
var defect1 = {
name: 'defect1',
parent: aWorkItemRoot,
severity: aSeverity,
phase: aDefectPhase
var defect2 = {
name: 'defect2',
parent: aWorkItemRoot,
severity: aSeverity,
phase: aDefectPhase
octane.defects.createBulk([defect1, defect2], function (err, defect) {
// update a defect
var name = 'defect test updated' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1)
client.defects.update({id: defectIDs[0], name: name}, function (err, defect) {
// update multiple defects
var name1 = 'defect1 test updated' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1)
var name2 = 'defect2 test updated' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1)
client.defects.updateBulk([{id: defectIDs[0], name: name1}, {id: defectIDs[1], name: name2}], function (err, defect) {
// get a defect
octane.defects.get({id: 1001}, function (err, defect) {
// delete a defect
octane.defects.delete({id: 1001}, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error - %s', err.message)
The Octane API allows to sign in with user credential or API key.
// user credential
username: <USERNAME>,
password: <PASSWORD>
}, function (err) {
// handle sign in result
// API key
client_id: <CLIENT_ID>,
client_secret: <CLIENT_SECRET>
}, function (err) {
// handle sign in result
The Octane REST API supports entities query by filtering values of fields. To filter, use a query statement, which is comprised of at least one query phase.
The client API provides the Query module to help you build the query, rather than writing the complex query statement.
var Query = require('@microfocus/hpe-alm-octane-js-rest-sdk/query')
// query statement: "id EQ 1005"
var query = Query.field('id').equal(1005)
octane.defects.getAll({query: query}, function (err, defect) {
// query statement: "name EQ ^test*^"
var query = Query.field('name').equal('test*')
// query statement: "user_tags EQ {id EQ 1001}"
var query = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query('id').equal(1001))
// query statement: "user_tags EQ {id EQ 1001||id EQ 2005}"
var query = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(1001).or(Query.field('id').equal(2005)))
// or use the shorthand or() method
var query = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(1001).or().field('id').equal(2005))
// query statement: "user_tags EQ {id EQ 1001;id EQ 3008}"
var query = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(1001).and(Query.field('id').equal(3008)))
// or use the shorthand and() method
var query = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(1001).and().field('id').equal(3008))
// query statement: "user_tags EQ {id EQ 1001};user_tags EQ {id EQ 3008}"
var query = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(1001)).and(Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(3008)))
// or use the shorthand and() method
var query = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(1001)).and().field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(3008))
// or use the sub query
var query1 = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(1001))
var query2 = Query.field('user_tags').equal(Query.field('id').equal(3008))
// query statement "id BTW 1..3" - notice that there are two parameters
var query = Query.field('id').between(1,2)
// query statement "id IN 1,2,3" - the parameter has to be an array
var query = Query.field('id').inComparison([1,2,3])
var query = query1.and(query2)
// for null use either Query.NULL for non-reference fields or Query.NULL_REFERENCE for references (Query.NONE still exists for backwards-compatibility
// and is the same as Query.NULL_REFERENCE)
var query1 = Query.field('string_field').equal(Query.NULL)
var query2 = Query.field('reference_field').equal(Query.NULL_REFERENCE)
To create an attachment, you must provide the file's absolute path.
var attachment = {
name: 'attachment.txt',
file: attachmentFile, // the file's absolute path
owner_work_item: anWorkItem
octane.attachments.create(attachment, function (err, attachment) {
The attachment has both entity data and binary data.
To get the attachment's entity data, call attachments.get()
; to get its binary data, call attachments.download()
octane.attachments.get({id: attachmentID}, function (err, attachment) {
octane.attachments.download({id: attachmentID}, function (err, data) {
// data is the stream
Update client API
The MF ALM Octane REST API is fully metadata-driven. When the Octane REST API is updated, you can update the client API from the metadata.
Create a configuration file (eg octane.json
) file for updating client API. It defines the Octane server's configuration and user credentials. Note that by default the tech preview API is not enabled. To enable it
(especially when using attachments) use the tech_preview_API
key as demonstrated below
$ cat > octane.json << EOH
"config": {
"protocol": "http",
"host": "<HOST>",
"port": <PORT>,
"shared_space_id": <SHARED_SPACE_ID>,
"workspace_id": <WORKSPACE_ID>,
"tech_preview_API": <boolean for whether tech preview api should be enabled>
"options": {
"username": "<USERNAME>",
"password": "<PASSWORD>"
Send the path to the created configuration file to generate_default_routes.js
$ node scripts/generate_default_routes.js /path/to/octane.json
The client API is defined in
file. When you run this script to update the client API, you actually update theroutes/default.json
You can copy this file to any other places (a place under the control of VCS for example), and pass the file's absolute path to the client constructor to use it, see Example.
file defines the minimal client API. It can't be changed or deleted.
Update client API documentation
When the routes/default.json
file is updated, you'll want to update API annotation file:
$ mkdir -p doc
$ node scripts/generate_api_annotations.js
Then you can create the client API documentation:
$ npm install apidoc
$ node_modules/.bin/apidoc -f doc/apidoc.js -o apidoc/
Run all tests
$ npm test
Or run a specific test
$ npm test test/query.js
The octane.json
file is required for running the integration tests. If it doesn't exist, the integration tests will be skipped.
$ cat > octane.json << EOH
"config": {
"protocol": "http",
"host": "<HOST>",
"port": <PORT>,
"shared_space_id": <SHARED_SPACE_ID>,
"workspace_id": <WORKSPACE_ID>
"options": {
"username": "<USERNAME>",
"password": "<PASSWORD>"
npm test test/integration
Please Note When running integration tests and these include attachments the tech preview api needs to be enabled otherwise the attachments will fail
Certain versions of software accessible here may contain branding from Hewlett-Packard Company (now HP Inc.) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company. As of September 1, 2017, the software is now offered by Micro Focus, a separately owned and operated company. Any reference to the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks is historical in nature, and the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks are the property of their respective owners.