A tool that can be used to inject commits from BitBucket Server in ALM Octane.
A tool that can be used to inject commits from BitBucket Server in ALM Octane.
How to install
Install locally
By cloning the project
- Download the project locally
- Navigate inside the project
- run
npm i -g
- You can now run
npx alm-octane-commit-injector
command from anywhere using a terminal
By directly installing the command globally
- run
npm i -g @microfocus/alm-octane-commit-injector
- You can now run
npx alm-octane-commit-injector
command from anywhere using a terminal
Run directly from the npm registry
- Directly run
npx @microfocus/alm-octane-commit-injector
command so that npm automatically downloads and runs the tool
Note: .env configuration file should be in the same directory where the npx
command is run.
This tool uses multiple parameters from the configuration file ('.env') to fetch commits between two specific boundaries, map them to the ALM Octane format and inject them to a specific CI.
BitBucketServer parameters
BITBUCKET_URL - base URL for BitBucket server (egg. https://bitbucket.mycompany.com)
BITBUCKET_ACCESSTOKEN - a generated HTTP access token from BitBucket
BITBUCKET_PROJECT_KEY - key of the project (usually 3 characters abbreviation of the project name can be found in BitBucket → Projects)
BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG - repository name
BITBUCKET_BRANCHES - a list of the branch names separated with ';' (if this is empty, it will automatically fetch the commits from all branches)
SINCE - the commit ID after which commits should be fetched (if this is empty, it will fetch the commits from the beginning)
UNTIL - the commit ID before which commits should be fetched (if this is empty, it will fetch the commits until the last one)
ALM Octane parameters
OCTANE_URL - ALM Octane base URL
OCTANE_CLIENT_ID - client ID for an active API Access (A new one can be created in Octane → Spaces → API Access)
OCTANE_CLIENT_SECRET - client secret for an active API Access
OCTANE_CI_SERVER_ID - instance_id of the CI Server (can be found in Settings -> Spaces -> {workspace_name} -> DevOps -> CI Servers -> Instance ID)
OCTANE_JOB_ID - ci_id of the CI Job representing the name of the job (can be found under Pipilines -> Overview)
OCTANE_BUILD_ID - build_ci_id of the CI Build (can be found under Pipilines -> Overview -> {Job} -> Builds (Grid View))