hashicorp consul adapter
Microfleet Consul Plugin
Adds consul support to microfleet. This can be used to perform service discovery, leader election and other related tasks Read more about Consul at https://www.consul.io
yarn add @microfleet/plugin-consul
To make use of the plugin adjust microfleet configuration in the following way:
exports.plugins = [
/* this section is optional */
exports.consul = {
base: {
host?: string; // consul-agent host instance
port?: string; // consul-agent port
secure?: boolean; // https?
ca?: string[]; // custom CA
defaults?: { // used for all queries to consul
consistent?: boolean;
dc?: string;
stale?: boolean;
token?: string;
wait?: string;
wan?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
lock: {
key?: string; // defaults `microfleet/${config.name}/leader`,
session?: Object | string; // session settings
value?: string | Buffer; // arbitrary data
lockwaittime?: string;
lockretrytime?: string;
Microfleet Consul Plugin extends service interface with the following methods:
service.consul: consul.Consul
Initialized instance. Look at the docs here - https://www.npmjs.com/package/consul#documentation
service.consulLeader: consul.Lock
Initialized leader election lock. Detailed docs here - https://www.npmjs.com/package/consul#lock
service.whenLeader(): Promise
Use this to wait until current instance becomes a leader.
// will lock until instance is a leader
// or until service.close() is called
const isLeader = await service.whenLeader()
if (isLeader === true) {
... // means we've acquired leader
} else {
... // this means that instance is closing down