This project provides a CDK (Cloud Development Kit) construct library for enabling Enhanced Scanning on Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) repositories.
CDK ECR Enhanced Scanning
This project provides a CDK (Cloud Development Kit) construct library for enabling Enhanced Scanning on Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) repositories.
The EnhancedScanning
construct allows you to easily enable and configure Enhanced Scanning for your ECR repositories using AWS CDK. This feature leverages Amazon Inspector to provide vulnerability scanning for container images.
To install this construct library, run the following command in your project directory:
npm install @michelangelo17/cdk-ecr-enhanced-scanning
Here's an example of how to use the EnhancedScanning
construct in your CDK stack:
import { Stack, StackProps } from "aws-cdk-lib"
import { Construct } from "constructs"
import { Repository } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-ecr"
import { EnhancedScanning } from "@michelangelo17/cdk-ecr-enhanced-scanning"
export class MyStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props)
// Create an ECR repository
const repository = new Repository(this, "MyRepository")
// Enable Enhanced Scanning for the repository
const enhancedScanning = new EnhancedScanning(this, "EnhancedScanning", {
repository: repository,
// Optionally, add CDK Nag suppressions
Configuration Options
The EnhancedScanning
construct accepts the following property:
: The ECR repository to enable enhanced scanning for (required).
CDK Nag Suppressions
The construct includes a method to add CDK Nag suppressions for known issues. To use it, call the addNagSuppressions
method on your EnhancedScanning instance, passing the current stack as an argument:
new EnhancedScanning(this, "EnhancedScanning", {
repository: repository,
rules: [
scanFrequency: "SCAN_ON_PUSH",
repositoryFilters: [
filter: "prod-*",
filterType: "WILDCARD",
CDK Nag Suppressions
The construct includes a method to add CDK Nag suppressions for the warnings that are raised. To use it, call the addNagSuppressions method on your EnhancedScanning instance, passing the current stack as an argument:
This will suppress the following warnings related to IAM permissions required for the Lambda function and custom resource provider:
- AwsSolutions-IAM4: This warning is raised because the Lambda function uses the AWS managed policy AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole. While it's generally recommended to create custom IAM policies, this managed policy is required for basic Lambda execution and logging.
- AwsSolutions-IAM5: This warning occurs due to the use of wildcard permissions in the IAM policy. The Lambda function requires these permissions to interact with ECR and Inspector services. While more restrictive policies are generally preferred, the nature of this construct requires these permissions to function correctly.
These warnings are suppressed for both the main Lambda function (EnableScanLambda) and the custom resource provider's Lambda function (EnableScanCustomResource/framework-onEvent).
The specific permissions added to the Lambda function are:
// Add IAM permissions to the Lambda function
new PolicyStatement({
actions: [
resources: ["*"],
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
conditions: {
StringEqualsIfExists: {
"iam:AWSServiceName": "inspector2.amazonaws.com",
// Add a scoped-down policy for PutRegistryScanningConfiguration
new PolicyStatement({
actions: ["ecr:PutRegistryScanningConfiguration"],
resources: [props.repository.repositoryArn],
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
These permissions are necessary for the Lambda function to:
- Configure ECR scanning settings
- Enable Amazon Inspector
- Create the necessary service-linked role for Inspector
Users should be aware of these permissions and ensure they align with their security requirements. If more restrictive permissions are needed, users may need to modify the construct or implement additional security controls in their environment.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.